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diana point of view

the next day it was the diner with Liam and Cheryl , liam said he was going to pick us so we can go together to their place but Zayn insisted that we come alone I was trying to wear a necklace when Zayn showed up in a way i could see him from the mirror , he was mindblowing in that blue suit , i couldnt resist not smiling at the view of him being kinda shy while asking me if he looks good or no

- blue suits u , or may i say , the blue looks good when u wear it

he took by my hand and huged me , wishpering in my ear

-you are breathtaking madame malik , i cant wait for the ceremony to end so i can take that white dress off and ruin ur red lipstick , ow a white dress , i guess am takin this as a hint that were gonna get married soon

-i dunno should u take it ?

-i guess i should take u first

-i would go anywhere with u

half an hour and we arrived at a big villa , that looks just marvelous , gards at the door obviously for security , we passed them then saw liam and cheryl welcoming us , shes older than liam but she looks younger that ive ever been , she was wearing a red dress with a big remarquable smile

cheryl : heyy , finally meeting "la fameuse diana" , u know , liam couldnt stop talkin about u and especially about the food u make , we have a big chef down here

Zayn let my hand go and circled my shoulders with his hands

Zayn : my girl never fail a single thing

diana : glad we met cheryl

cheryl : my pleasure to welcome u guys at my place

liam : enough official talk come in guys

cheryl and liam took us right to the balcony , the view was over my expectations , it was the Sunset over the mountains , Something unforgettable

cheryl : u are Lucky to assist on this cute thing , take a sit please , coffee ?

All: ofc

we talked about few things then had dinner , while eating some things and playin with my fork in my plate , Zayn took my hand and wishperd

-should i tell em ?

-Why not , go ahead

he stood up and took me closer than said "were gettin married"


cheryl : ow dear am so happy for u love birds

they kissed us and were so happy for us , after the dinner i realised that cheryl wasnt feelin alright so i took her to the bathroom , and she actually threw up , i didnt wanna sound really honest but her face was tired and pale

-u look tired honey , maybe u should rest

-am okay its just these few days its the same

-went to the doctor ?

-not yet i thought it was a simple thing

-why dont I pass by tomorrow and take u there

-very kind from u

a few hours later we went home and i told Zayn about it , he said that he will working in the Morning

we went to the hospital , it was quick , they did some analyses and then the doctor showed up with a paper in his hand

-doctor whats wrong with me

-madam calm down , there Nothing wrong with u , theres a baby growing in ur belly madam , ure pregnent


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