Chapter 8: Once Happy Life

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Great Britain, 2016

"Thalia! Will you come here and help me?!" your uncle shouted from the basement. It's been a month since you went missing and he never stopped on trying to fix the machine and get you back. Thalia groaned in annoyance.

"Dad! What is so important about (Y/n)?! It's been a month," she shouted back. "She's not coming back and there's no way you can get her to,"

Thalia rose from her seat and went to the backyard to get some fresh air. The vibrant green leaves were dancing to the melody of the wind. It blew her long, brown and curly hair to the side, making a mess of it. She rolled her eyes and sat down, under the cool shade provided by the tall tree.

Why did (Y/n) had to cross their peaceful and once happy life? Why was she always considered as the mean person that has to be a burden? Why was she taking so long to succeed in life and be happy? She's not falling behind, is she? Was she a bad person? Is she worthless? No, every person has their own story to tell. She just hasn't told hers yet.. it's not like somebody would listen..

Your uncle sighed. He was growing tired and more tired each day that passes due to working mornings and sleepless nights. He just hoped that you were okay. -BOOM- an ear-piercing explosion made its way to his ears as he was sent flying back against the wall. His spinal cord and skull hit it badly but pain was never an excuse to give up, nor to take a break. He stood up and looked at the mechanics. Apparently, a screw ,which was holding the engine, fell out. Looking around, his screwdriver was nowhere to be found.

It was all his fault anyway. What kind of uncle was he to send his niece back into time? Sure, she could be having fun but it's too risky and dangerous. The past holds too much violence. The major problem was that she could change time and prevent historical events from happening, such as preventing wars which could cause future territorial claims, more over, preventing a person's birth. But I guess you can trust (Y/n) with that since she's very intelligent and independent.

He thought as he rummaged through his tools, still nowhere to be found. Where could it be? He used it earlier so it shouldn't be so hard to see it, right? Suddenly, his phone rang. I showed the word "Boss." His eyes widened as he pressed the accept button and put it close to his ear.

"(L/n)! You've been absent for like 2 weeks! Where have you been?!" his boss' thunderous voice echoed through the phone.

"I-I'm sorry! I've been busy on a project that I've been doing," your uncle answered. Yes, ' project," good excuse. 

"So your project is more important than your job?! Well then, you're fired!" 

"No, no, no, no!" Okay..? Not-so-good-excuse.

His boss had already hung up, that's just great. They're covered in debt. He would have to find another job. 

"Dad! Did you see my charger?! I can't find it!" Thalia shouted from up the staircase. 

"I may have used it! Come down here and get it!" your uncle shouted back. Sometimes, his own daughter can be a pain in the butt. He can't blame her though. He was the one who raised her.

Thalia went down to the basement and scoffed at her dad. "Where is it?!" She really needed to learn some discipline.

Your uncle thought that it was time for her to learn to do things her own. "Why don't you go and find it rather than asking me to just give it to you?" he mocked. "Or maybe find your own personal slave?"

Thalia gasped at this sudden action. Her mouth was shape as an 'O' as her father kept that stern look on his face and his crossed arms on his chest. "F-fine! I can do it myself anyways!" she said with pride, not trying to look weak or anything.

Thalia searched and searched but can't find her charger. She rummaged through the pile of wires that laid on the ground. Something caught her eye though. One single tile was tilted which was strange.. very strange. Thalia squinted her eyes in confusion. She looked behind her to see if her dad was watching, and as expected, he's not.. of course he's focusing on the machine again. Holding the peculiar tile, she slowly lifts it up, revealing a chest inside. Oh well, not suspicious at all. She looked behind again to see her father working. Good. She gently opens the chest and saw a curled up sheet of paper.

"What? Did you find it?" her dad asked. She immediately froze into place and her breath stopped.

"Um, n-no.. not yet."

"Would you like me to help you?"

"No, I can do this by myself!"

Her father left her alone. She takes the chest and runs off to her bedroom. "Dear Uncle, I'd like to tell you that I am alive and well after you accidentally sent me to 1760. I do hope this letter will find its way into your hands. So much has happened lately the past few months (or years), and still I wonder if you are finding out a way to get me back. Though life in the past has been really fun, I would still love to return home. Sincerely.." she read out loud, refusing to read the name of the sender. 

She remained silent while rage filled her eyes. Her grip on the paper tightened as she gritted her teeth. She abruptly ripped the paper into a million pieces. Even in the past, (Y/n) could still reach them? No, she won't let her cousin be a part of their life again. She just can't. 

Your uncle bent down to pick up the wire. It was Thalia's charger, guess she just gave up. He sighed and went upstairs. He gently knocked on his daughter's oak door. 

"Thalia? Are you in there?" he asked. He heard a gasp and some cloth being moved around from the other side. Thalia went to open the door a while later. 

"Hey dad, what seems to be the problem?" she asked with a nervous smile. Her father raised an eyebrow at her. 

"Well, I found your charger," he answered, holding out the wire. "Is everything al-" 

"Ah, thanks dad!" she interrupted, followed by a sudden -Bang- as she slammed the door. Your uncle was left standing outside in slight confusion while Thalia plugged the wire and sighed. He can't know.. 

====[Author's Note]====

Psycho: Here's a sneak peek on the next chapter because I'm feeling nice today. 


"George got close to you, too close, that is. His body was pressed against yours as you felt his warm breath against your delicate skin. He gently stroke your hair.

When you've finally had enough, you slapped him really hard in the face that he went flying back to Seoul, Korea."

Psycho: Would be pretty funny if that happened, wouldn't it? Well, too bad, reader.

If you want to see Corrianne, I drew her over here: (Warning: It looks horrible) Corrianne

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