Chapter 10: Goodbye for Good

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Great Britain, 1761

"'Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one shall make them afraid..' They'll be safe in this nation we've made, one last time," you finished singing the song quietly, making sure that no one heard it. They'd probably freak out or so if I was just, "Oh? This song is from the future, made by Lin Manuel-Miranda, about a man named George Washington who will soon rebel against the British in 1764 after we tax America relentlessly!" You weren't that careless or ignorant but still, it was better to be cautious.

You slowly walked up to the Alder tree and looked past the outer branches. On the trunk, was the letter that you tied 2 months ago. Nobody even dared to untie it.. maybe because it was hidden well, or nobody usually looks at this tree. That's good. 

Suddenly, the sound of trumpets fill the air. It sounded like royalty, something like that. You turned around to see George having a normal day's walk at the park, at least 11 feet from you. Your eyes widened before you covered your face with the parasol you were holding. Slowly walking away as normally as possible, you cursed yourself for choosing such a horrible day. You still felt guilty about what you have done to him. You broke his heart, whose only intention was to care for you.

Lost in your thoughts, you accidentally tripped on a stone. You mentally cursed the heels on the 17th Century shoes that you were wearing. To be honest, you preferred men's shoes but Corrianne wouldn't let you. Well, you shouldn't have listened.

"Are you okay, miss?" a familiar voice asked, and you knew exactly who it was.

You coughed lightly, trying to adjust your voice. "Um, yes," you replied in a very small, girly voice. It was far from your normal one, making it a good cover. You gently stood up and turned to him, parasol still covering your upper face. "Thank you, your majesty." You curtsied before walking away. You took a deep breath. That was close.

You walked into the house and laid the closed parasol inside the basket. The house was utterly empty. You knew well that Corrianne was out, probably in the cafe meeting Gabriel, and Xalvador was fighting in "La guerre de la Conquête," also known as the "French and Indian War." You sighed.

There are too many problems that I am facing right now. First, I have to live in a different time, which I am not used to. Yes, I know about it, but I could not have memorized everything about it. Math and Science was already hard to do, so why study everything about the history of a whole century? Second, I changed history. What will happen in the present time?

Great Britain, 2017

"I hope this works," your uncle said, connecting the battery clip onto the battery. After all the work he's done, he could only say it in one inaudible whisper. "I sent her to 1760 in November. It's January now, so she must be in 1761."

He did not want to make one, single mistake. Saving his niece was a very serious job, so he had to consider everything. He pulled the lever, causing the machine to emit a bright, periwinkle glow. 'Twas a beautiful sight, indeed. Your uncle stepped inside the machine, and pulled another lever. He immediately retreated his hand before the door completely closed.

"Initializing year.. 1761.. Sending subject to 1761.." the machine stated in a weird robotic voice.

"For (Y/n)." Your uncle muttered before falling unconscious on the ground.

Great Britain, 1761

Corrianne giggled, while clinging on to her partner's arm. "I love you," she cooed on Gabriel's ear, snuggling deeper into his neck for some extra warmth in the midst of winter.

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