Chapter 17: A Snake in the Mansion

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'(Y/n), just knock.' You were merely inches from Corrianne's door, with your hand prepared to knock. However, you can't bring yourself to do so. 'What if she needs time alone? What if she doesn't want to see you anymore? What if your visit makes her worse? What if the bre- Calm yourself, (Y/n). It'll be fine.'

Just as you were about to knock, the door opened, revealing the tear-stained face of the woman you longed to see for a long time. "(Y-(Y/n).. is that really you..?" she asked, her eyes tearing up again. Earning a nod from you, she immediately wrapped her arms around you, and put her whole weight on you. "(Y/n), I missed you so much! Where were you when I needed you! I sent you a plethora of letters!"

"I'm terribly sorry for my absence. As for the letters, I had no time to read them. It's been.. hard lately," you lied. You hugged her back tightly. "But I'm glad to be back. I missed you too."

She pulled back with a smile as tears cascaded her face. "Come in."

You went inside, only to be greeted with a tedious, dim-lighted bedroom. The bed sheets were still pretty messy, and the drawers, with all of its antique decorations, seemed to be tarnished and collecting some dusts. A few books laid down on the floor in front of the bookshelf. Vase shards can be seen in the corner of the room, one visibly with blood stains on it.

"Sorry, I haven't had the time to clean up," she said with a nervous smile," and I was too ashamed to have the maids do it."

'She's lying. She has to be.' You watched her push the viridescent curtains aside, letting the moonlight in. The room started to feel less depressing and more welcoming. "Corrianne?"

She hummed in response, slowly fixing the bed.

You walked your way up to her and arranged the pillows. "Did anything happen while I was gone?" you asked, hoping to get her to tell the truth.

The brunette suddenly looked uncertain. "I, uh.. well.. nothing too special. It's just another decade in the mansion with Xalvador and all the maids and butlers."

"Corri, tell me the truth, please," you said in a sweet, angelic voice, having an innocent smile plastered on your face.

"I— h-huh? Well, I..—"

-knock- -knock- You both turned to the door. "I'll get it," you said, walking over and pulling the golden knob.

Phoebe stood at the doorway, embarrassed. She bowed down. "I-I'm sorry for the disturbance! But Lord Olivier wishes to inform you that dinner is ready."

"Of course, tell him that we'll be over in a few minutes," you replied, seeing that Corrianne was far too lost in her thoughts to answer.

After Phoebe left, a scowl covered Corrianne's face. "You should go down," she muttered.

"You're not coming?"

She snickered. "Like bloody hell, I am! How dare he invite me to dinner after insulting me!" she complained, looking at her hand. "And besides, I'm sure he doesn't want to see my face after I slapped him like that."

In all honesty, you felt bad for her. It wasn't her fault Gabriel left her. "I know you didn't mean it, and I'm sure he does too, but maybe this is an opportunity to actually fix things with him."

"I doubt he'd have the time for me."

"What do you mean?"

She sighed and looked at the mirror. "Ever since he married that annoying brat he calls his 'wife,' he's been ignoring me."

"Oh, I'm sure she's not that bad."

Dinner went by awkwardly. None of you dared to speak, or even touched your food. Corrianne had a scowl on her face as she continued to avoid Xalvador. You, on the other hand, waited patiently for the older Olivier to pick up his spoon. It would be disrespectful to eat before the host. Eini kept her head down, with her hair covering her face. Xalvador was continuously tapping his fingers on the table in a fast 1-2-3-4 beat.

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