Chapter 21: Love, Perhaps

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Surprisingly, the morning routine went better than expected. The maids handled you carefully and had done their best to give you a pleasant, long-lasting and natural scent. After that, you were given a simple dress. You figured the king was not going to be joining you for breakfast, which was a relief. Nicholas had been kind enough to escort you to the dining room and keep you company while you were eating.

"Nicholas," you called as you settled the utensils on the side of your plate, "is it possible for me to write letters to my friends?"

The butler gave you a questioning glance. "Well, His Majesty, the King had given me specific orders that I am to send him every letter you write. It's up to him if he will actually send it for you or burn it," he replied, standing up beside you. His hands gracefully lifted the plate, along with the utensils and glasses. "In addition, you're also prohibited to leave the castle grounds without permission or any form of supervision."

You frowned at his words. You had hoped to at least exchange letters with Eini, considering that she acted so recklessly. She didn't really think about the consequences of her actions. History had been altered enough as it is, and you weren't ready to take chances.

"Can you elaborate on that last thing you said?" you asked, now hoping to visit your friends.

"Of course. You will directly ask for his permission, which needs a valid reason. If he agrees, you will be sent off with at least one personal guard and Miss Huntington to protect and assist you. If you are to have a conversation with a person outside the palace, Miss Huntington will be listening in to be able to report to the king and make sure that you are not planning anything against him."

You slumped back on the chair, taken aback by Nicholas' words. "Are you serious?"

"Why, I don't think I seem like I'm joking at all," the butler chuckled.

"Well, [---]," you muttered.

"What was that?"

You looked at Nicholas, not the slightest bit bothered by your words. "What? Did he tell you to report every word that comes out of my mouth too?"

"Not at all, Madame," He smiled while slightly tilting his head to the side, "only the suspicious ones."

You let out an exasperated sigh. "Okay."

Nicholas stayed silent. He cleared the table with one of his gloved hands. He stared at your despondent demeanor and cleared his throat. "On the bright side, you're free to roam the castle without an escort. I suggest you visit the gardens. It's certainly a sight to see." He picked up the tray and balanced it with 5 of his fingers. He then took his leave through the back door. "I will see you at lunch, m'lady."


You inhaled the ardent scent of the garden. Arms stretched out from every direction, holding green plants that covered the garden. Roots grew into and out of the soil like snakes. Vines dangled and swayed from trees like nymphs playing in a forest. They crawled through the pebbles like snakes through bushes. Gold shone through the canopy and embellished your skin. Red blossoms were like jewels that adorned the whole place.

Step by step, you walked towards the heart of the yard. You arrived at a clearing. A fountain stood at the center, a seraphic statue guarding it. The clear water gushed forth from its scepter and continued down her bosom. You stared in awe at the figure who resembled a goddess more than it resembled an angel.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

You flicked to your right.

A seraphic face greeted you. The sun's tears directly hit her gleaming, brown eyes. Her rouge lips were curved into a grin, stretched up to her rosy, freckled cheeks. that complimented her ivory skin. Her long eyelashes curved out of her lid, gracefully dancing every time she blinks. A melodious giggle sounded from her lips. "Good morning, my lady," she said. Her mellifluous, treble voice soothed your body.

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