Chapter 20: Family

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You took a step inside the room and looked around at the scene before you.

"I hope you have a splendid evening," you heard Nicolas say behind you as he gently closed the door.

As you took steps inside the room, your eyes explored the beauty of the room. Your heels clicked against the carmine red, marble floor. The curtains of velvety red and golden tassels were lifted up, with its neatly frilled ends hanging at the sides of the window pane. Two, symmetrical mirrors were placed on each side of a painting. Crackling, bright flames blazed inside the ivory fireplace below the painting. The golden linings on the walls reflected the light emitting from the chandelier hanging on top of the ceiling.

"Do you like it?" a voice asked you from behind.

You turned around and met two blue eyes. You gave him a small, sad smile. "Very much so," you answered as you looked around once more. "It's quite impressive, if I do say so myself."

"Well, it's not that hard, really," George replied, looking at you dearly. "It's fairly easy if you're doing it for someone special."

You looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling awkward and uncomfortable under his gaze. "I.. I'm sorry. I'm not ready, especially after.. you know."

The young kind gave you a reassuring smile. "I am aware of that. For now, we could at least be friends again."

"I suppose so."

George looked at you sadly. He couldn't make you happy in the slightest bit. "Shall we eat?" he asked as he guided you towards your chair with a faux, happy aura.

You saw through the facade he put on, and couldn't help but feel guilty. You took a seat on your chair and made yourself comfortable on its wine red, upholstery.

Soon enough, after he took his own seat at the other end of the table, the servants arrived, carrying trays of food. Dinner went by smoothly, with the two of you having a small talk here an there. The servants did their job without fault. The food was unmistakably delicious too, despite the lack of spices and antiquity of the dish.

After dinner, the night was awkwardly silent. Neither of you spoke a word over the table. The pin-drop silence was deafening. You wished you could end it with a word, but you really didn't know what to say. No one knew if it will make up for the wasted time or make matters worse.

"(Y/n)," George called, gazing at you from a distance.

You looked up from your lap and gave him all your attention. "Yes?"

"You should go sleep," he said in a soothing voice, a genuine smile on his face. "I've sent the maids to prepare the guest room for you. Nicholas must be waiting for you outside to escort you there."

You nodded, and stood up. "Thank you for this night," you said, bowing your head in respect before leaving the room.

As you closed the door, Nicholas was indeed waiting for you outside. He offered you his arm, which you gladly took.

"How was dinner, my lady?" he asked in a professional, yet friendly manner.

"It was great," you replied, trying to remember the ambrosial taste of the savoury beef and cassis wine. You looked at him, chuckling. "Were you the one who made the food, Nicholas?

The butler let out a small laugh, and went to a halt. "I'm afraid not, my lady, but if you would like, I will prepare tomorrow's breakfast just for you," he replied as he opened the white mahogany door for you.

You unhooked your arm with his and stepped into the room. "That would be absolutely wonderful, Nicholas."

Nicholas smiled. "Alright then. I'll see what I can do. Have a good night," he said, bowing his head in respect.

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