NINE: Grammar [4]

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Winner's official M/V for Love Me Love Me. Try this too po. 감사합니다 ♡

Together Particles
-과 (after consonant)
-와 (after vowel)

Used to string nouns together , functioning as 'and' or 'with'. Whether -하고 or -과/-와 is a matter of preference.

My cousin and my friend
우리 사존하고 제 친구
lit: We cousin-하고 my friend

My friend and my cousin
제 친구와 우리 사존
lit: My friend-와 our cousin

According to another source, there are two more together particles, they are -이랑 and -랑. They are more informal than the previously mentioned together particles and are mainly used in speech.

-이랑 (after consonant)
-랑 (after vowel)

I ate bread with milk.
빵이랑 우유를 먹었어요.
lit: Bread-이랑 milk-를 eat-었어요.
*see -었어요 in the later chap (past verb).

From the same source as -이랑/-랑, there are more particles such as -도, -부터/-까지, -만 and -들.

-도 is used as an additive particle. It is equivalent to 'too' or 'also'.
I am a student too. / I am also a student.
나도 학생이다.
lit: I-도 student.

-부터/-까지 is used as 'from' and 'to'. Specially as to when something starts and finishes.
I will wait until 4 o'clock.
4시까지 기다릴게요.
lit: 4 o'clock-까지 wait-will.
*see -ㄹ게요 in the later chap (future verb).

-만 mean 'only' and used after nouns.
I only drank water.
물만 마셨다.
lit: water-only drank.

-들 is a plural marker. Usually only attached to person nouns and not objects. Attaching this to objects sounds awkward. Previously mentioned in Six: Grammar 1.

Certain nouns and particles can be contracted as 'I am' or 'There is' are shortened to 'I'm' and 'There's' in English.

I (pol) + topic particle:
From 저는 to 전
I (inf) + topic particle:
From 나는 to 난
You (inf) + topic particle:
From 너는 to 넌
Here + action location particle:
From 여기에서 to 여기서
There + action location particle:
From 거기에서 to 거기서
Over there + action location particle:
From 저기에서 to 저기서
Where + action location particle:
From 어디에서 to 어디서
Object + subject particle:
From 거시 to 게
Object + topic particle:
From 거슨 to 건
Object + direct object particle:
From 거슬 to 걸


Dom & Hyo;

Korean Letters: Hangul 한글Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon