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He nudged the girl sitting beside him.

"What?" She looked at him, obviously annoyed that he had interrupted her from listening to her music.

Hip hop that is.

"That guy over there is giving you the death scare, and it's creeping me out." Jinyoung gestured to a boy with blonde hair, who was standing across from them.

Surprisingly Jaehwa didn't look intimidated at all by the 'pervert' in front of them.

Instead, she looked rather happy?

"Hey Mark! How long have you been standing there?"

The girl smiled at the blonde male, excitedly.


It was that kid that she met from the skatepark a few years back.

After that day, they became very good friends.

Considering that they would hang out at least 3 days a week.

"Right after you got on the bus. I was waiting for you to notice me."

"Aw, I'm sorry. Come here." She gestured him to stand by the two, who were both sitting down.

"You know him?" Jinyoung whispered.

"Of course."
On the way home, the two skaters had exchanged a conversation of what the other was missing out on.

"Man I should've accompanied you home that day. It's my fault that you got hurt."

"No, Mark. You didn't have a choice. It's okay, I'm alright. Family's always first, right?"

The male that was right beside them, silently listened to them both.

Though the pink haired dude felt something that he totally did not  want to admit.

He hadn't felt this way in awhile.





It was jealously.

He was jealous.




'We use to be like that.'

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