20 - This Is Our Ouran Fair - Part 1

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I received a worrying text from Hikaru the same night he was poisoned. I called him when I saw it as all he said was "We need to talk." I thought I had done something wrong until he explained I was the only person he could talk to. When I mentioned Kaoru, he told me that he loved his brother but the only look he received from Kaoru was as if Hikaru was going to die any minute, and he needed someone who wouldn't. I told him that was pretty rude seeing as we were friends, it made me sound like a bad person. But I made my way to the Hitachiin mansion anyway.

Once I was past their security, I stumbled into a random part of their garden. Hikaru didn't tell me where to meet him so I supposed I should've headed through the back garden and through one of the back doors. Or call when I was there. I looked around the darkness, glad of the full moon lighting the path. There was a fountain in the centre of a circle of roses, surrounded by a patio. I crept towards that general direction as I saw a figure with a torch next to the fountain looking the other way. 

I slowly and cautiously approached the figure, whispering, "Hikaru?"

When the figure turned around sharply, their torch directly shone into my eyes, which made me stumble towards them in blinded panic.

"What the fuck?!" I cursed as I blindly swatted them. When my sight had returned, I could tell it was Hikaru as he steadied me with his hands. 

"Sorry, you surprised me," He mumbled.

"It's fine," I shrugged, dusting myself off. "At least I still have the element of surprise." I saw that worried look on his face and knew whatever was on his mind was really getting to him. "So what's happened?"

That's when I found out that the Host Club was disbanding. Hikaru and I had stayed up half the night, sitting by the fountain, talking about it. Tamaki was now engaged to the pastry bitch lady which meant the 'king' of the host club couldn't entertain other ladies. The more we talked, the more comfortable Hikaru became away from his brother, more so than he usually was around me. Although I was glad he was confiding in me and not worrying Kaoru anymore, I didn't know why he was actually confiding in me. Had we really gotten any closer? I mean, I did confide in him when I had killed someone, and I had literally just saved his life that day. Maybe we were closer than I thought.


I contemplated whether or not to go into school for the last day of the fair. As it was the second day, people who were a part of clubs (most of the school) had to prioritise club exhibitions instead of class projects. If there was anyone left who wasn't part of a club, they could continue with their class projects. Seeing as they closed my project after the fiasco the day before, I had nothing to do but watch everyone else, which was a no go for me seeing as the Host Club was falling apart and I'd most likely make it worse.

In the end, I just spent the morning sleeping in and then training hard. By the time I had finished, it felt like a whole day had passed but it was only just the afternoon. So I peeled myself off the bench where I sat panting and stumbled into the shower. When I felt fresher, I threw on a black lace skirt and a white t-shirt, thinking I'd try to take myself out somewhere nice for the day before the school's summer ball in the evening.

Just as I was about to leave, my mother came into my room without knocking on the door. She stood in my room like a dominating presence. Her eyes watching me icily before she smiled and told me; "You'll be accompanying me to your little school fair today, darling."

"You really don't want to go. Do you, mother?" I sighed but I didn't meet her gaze. "It'll be a waste of your time."

She tutted and crossed the room without invitation to come any further. She raided my closet, pulling out a pair of heels and throwing them at me, before pulling out a pair for herself. She was always stealing back the shoes she bought for me as we had the same shoe size.

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