33 - Time Repeats Itself

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Koray Solo Chapter

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Koray's Flashback 5 years ago (she's 13) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The day was humid and dizzying. Bright sunlight shone over the horizon. It was a cloudless blue sky and a faint humming of cars could be heard in the distance. The room I was in was boiling, no air conditioning except a window opened wide – no breeze.

I was on one of my sessions at the shooting range where I was growing better with a gun every day. Akio had shown me how to operate a hand gun on the first day, though he said he preferred to never use a gun. It was so much fun and I was so competitive though; shooting at the targets, trying to be better than the other people training beside me. I was getting use to the heaviness of the gun in my hand, although I was somewhat weak from not training for a week as I had just started at Lobelia Middle school.

On this particular day, Akio decided to join in, taking out his recent frustrations on the human shaped target taped to the wall. I didn't know what had happened to make him so angry but I never questioned it. I knew early on that the mafia could make you angry for any reason, any day.

I took off my headphones and put down my gun. Akio didn't notice and kept shooting. He trained his eye on the target and slowly pulled the trigger. His eyes flickered different emotions as he thought, indicating that his mind was in another place, something that was incredibly normal for him, he hardly ever hit his target fatally. But this time he kept shooting around the heart every time.

I poked him. "Akio," I whispered but he nudged me away. "Akio!" I groaned and continuously poked him until he slammed his gun down on the counter.

He aggressively snatched his headphones from his head and turned to me, looking me in the eye. "What?!"

I raised my eyebrows and lifted my hands up in defence. "Woah, hello Mr Cranky-Pants," I scoffed. He rolled his eyes at me. "I was just going to say that I'm thirsty."

"Can't you wait?" he mumbled, about to put his headphones back on.

"No, I can't actually," I folded my arms and glared at him. "Do you know what temperature it is?! I don't but it's hot as hell and you brought me here without water to take out your rage on mother. Its not fair."

"Seriously?" He sighed, "You like shooting here?"

"Yeah but not when I'm dripping with sweat and feel like my throat's going to close up!" When he just raised his eyebrow at me, I decided to embarrass him instead. I collapsed to my knees, clutching my throat. "Need...water! May die...without...nourishment..."

He glared at me when other shooters turned to look at my performance, thinking I could have been shot.

"You neglect me, dear brother!"

"Fine!" He yelled, trying to sound angry, but I looked too ridiculous to be mad at. He grabbed the gun from my stall and grumpily marched out the room. He handed the guns in and received his bike keys in return.

Akio got the bike as a gift on his sixteenth birthday and ever since he rode us to the shooting sessions on it. Usually we'd pop over to this random seaside village to see some people. I'd just explore the caves until he came for me and we visited this little café I never remembered the name of until it was said to me.

He shoved my helmet and jacket into my arms forcefully before putting on his own and hopping onto the bike, waiting for me to hurry up. I guessed my performance didn't cheer him up.

"Are we going to see the Sasaki's?" I asked him hopefully, "Mr Sasaki does the best milkshakes."

He said nothing but watched me sternly so I rolled my eyes, stuck my helmet on and jumped onto the bike. We rode in silence through the city and out again till we on the outskirts again. We pulled up in front of the Pisces bar which stood in the shadows of other buildings.

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