E i g h t

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I was awoke to a knock on the door that morning and I groaned as I dragged myself out of bed to see who was rudely interrupting my slumber. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was slightly easier to rise than it had been only last week.

Plodding down the stairs, the person behind the door knocked again. I rolled my eyes, how rude. They wake me, then rush me! I muttered profanities under my breath before opening the door to reveal the twins behind the door smiling at me as I glared at them.

"What are you doing here?!" I grumbled as Ethan laughed, kissing my cheek. I noticed Grayson look away quickly, a faint mask of hurt dancing across his features.
"We're taking you to school Cass!" Ethan smiled, as I looked at him in shock.
"Your mom's homeschooling me for a while, remember?" I sighed, once again getting angry that I was awoke at stupid o clock.
"Cass, homeschool starts at the same time as regular school." Grayson told me as I sighed.

"Go get dressed, E and I will make you breakfast." Grayson smiled as I thanked him and began to make my way upstairs. Before I could leave the kitchen however, Grayson came over to the fridge and whispered to me, "You also look really cute when you're mad." He smirked.

My cheeks flushed red as I ran upstairs to get ready. Since I had no one to impress since I had a boyfriend, I changed into a hoodie and leggings, tying my hair up into a messy ponytail.

I came back downstairs only to be greeted with a bowl of what looked to be a giant mess. I couldn't help but turn my nose up at it.
"What is that?" I asked, looking at in fear. Ethan laughed, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer.
"It's a smoothie bowl. Cam taught us how to make them. It's good, I promise."

Grayson nodded his head in agreement so cautiously, I got some on my spoon and ate it, it was good. "This is great! What's in it?" I asked happily as I ate.
"Banana, strawberry, raspberries, blueberries, chia seeds and guava." Ethan told me with a fond smile.
"Well it's delicious!" I smiled, finishing it off before grabbing my bag.
"I'm ready."

We got in the car, Ethan was driving and I got in the back to allow Grayson to be shotgun, however I was surprised to see him sliding in beside me.
"I don't like shotgun, my legs are too long." He explained. I nodded and looked out the window as Ethan began to drive.

Suddenly my phone vibrated, I checked the screen to find Grayson had messaged me. I turned to him, my eyebrows raised while he motioned at me to stay quiet and check the message.

I opened my phone to read the message and as I did, my stomach flipped, "You look beautiful today, I wish you were mine."

I sighed, shutting my phone off again and not daring to turn to him to hold his gaze, because I knew that if I did, I'd fall harder for him which isn't right when I'm dating his twin brother...

We arrived at the Dolan household shortly after the message and I quickly scrambled to get out the car and inside the house. Straight away, once I entered, I crashed into the chest of Lisa Dolan.
"I'm so sorry Mrs Dolan!"
"Cassidy, always a pleasure." She smiled, "Now since you're friends with both of my son's, dating one of them, and we've known each other for 12 years now. I think you can call me Lisa."
I nodded, "Right..."

Lisa turned to her sons and placed her hands on her hips, "Right boys, now you know that your precious Cassidy is here, you can both get to school before you're late." She said as the boys started to protest.

"Can't we stay here with Cass?" Ethan tried, while Grayson spoke at the same time, "But all the girls stalk me!"

He wasn't wrong. Girls followed Grayson around all the time, handing him their phone numbers and other useless items. It made me a little jealous...

"Boys, the deal was, you brought Cass to me, then you get to school, now go!"

Reluctantly, the twins agreed. Grayson kissed my cheek, while Ethan frowned, coming forward and pecking my lips which earned anger to fill Grayson, his fists clenching by his side.

"Right Cass. Let's begin."


"What do you want for lunch?" Lisa smiled while I sighed in relief that we could take a break from Shakespeare.
"Uh Ethan said he made me something..?" I said quietly, blushing at the mention of my boyfriend's name.

She nodded and got the meal from the fridge and set it before me.
"You've made quite the impression on my boys, both of them. You're all they talk about. Grayson praises your efforts to lose weight and Ethan, well he's completely in love with you. I also know about Grayson's crush. You need to choose one. He really hurts seeing you both together."

I nod, looking down, hating the fact that I hurt Grayson, despite it being unintentional.
"I think I made the wrong choice..." I whisper, "But I'm not sure yet..." I add, as she looks at me sympathetically.
"I suggest you see how things play out but you need to make a choice because whoever you choose will hurt the other."
"I don't want to ruin my friendship with either!" I exclaim as she shrugs.
"Then don't date either..."

I knew that this was the only way to ensure our friendships were saved yet my feelings were so strong that I couldn't ignore them. I needed to address the problem and I couldn't even talk to my best friend about it because it would hurt him.

I ate the food slowly, not really eating a lot due to my vast amount of thoughts and conflict running through my mind.

What was I going to do?

End of chapter!
What should she do?
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-Ky 💜

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