T w e n t y - t h r e e

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"You didn't get the catwalk honey pot but that's okay because you're their first choice for the shoot!" Jack said excitedly while I sat there, nodding every so often and smiling slightly. I was still nervous as to how to tell Ethan and Grayson, because a bigger offer had come up that I'd be stupid to refuse.

A year long campaign shoot with Chanel.

The reason as to why it'd take so long to shoot is because of all the different places that we were shooting, it was all over the world and following that would fashion shows and interviews. I'd be gone a long time.

My mind wandered off and began to focus on Grayson. I'd only known him a short amount of time, yet during that time I'd developed a love so strong that I think I'd miss him the moment I left. I don't think I'd manage if I was without him, he was my rock. He'd helped me so much and I wouldn't have got anywhere if it hadn't have been for him being by my side. The thought of him made my heart ache. Chestnut hair, hypnotic eyes, plump lips. He was so perfect and I'd have to leave.

My mind then shifted and I was thinking about Ethan. My best friend of so long who I'd counted on for so many problems. He always knew exactly what to do and he'd stayed by my side through thick and thin. He'd sacrificed so much for me, and I honestly couldn't thank him enough. Could I really leave him for a year?

"Fairy dust! You're not listening to me!" Jack pouted, as I snapped out of my thoughts. I had to. If I'd have thought any longer then I would've changed my mind and I couldn't do that. I needed to do this.
"Yeah sorry. I'm fine. I know roughly what to do. Make sure the perfume's on show, creative poses."
"Don't forget! Tell a story with your face!" Jack added while I nodded, mentally taking note.

"Okay so I'll see you at the airport tomorrow at 9pm okay?" He asked, as I nodded as confirmation.
"See ya tomorrow." I mumbled, going to Grayson's, instantly embracing him as he came into vision.
"Woah. This is a nice surprise, but what's up?" He asked, returning the hug by wrapping his large, muscular arms around my now-slim frame.

I relaxed against him, "Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to see you." I lied, a flush of satisfaction rushing through me when he returned my smile. I'd become a master at lying. The years of work paid off. At least he couldn't see how nervous I truly was at the fact that I may be leaving.

"So what do you wanna do?" He asked, lifting me up effortlessly.
I rested my forehead against his, my mind filling with ideas. Instead of voicing my thoughts, I pressed my lips to his desperately, wanting to feel his kiss at least once more. He returned the action without saying a word and held me close to him as one hand cupped my cheek.

My legs wrapped around his torso to keep me in place as both hands tangled themselves in his tousled hair.
We both tore apart gasping for air, not saying anything before smashing our lips together once again. Our teeth clashed and it was fast-paced but all that mattered was the passion that burned within us both.

Slowly pulling away, we stared at each other, our eyes ablaze with lust.
"Cass... We need to stop now or I'll lose control..." he whispered, brushing his thumb across my cheek gently.

I nodded, grateful that he put me before myself. I wasn't ready for that kind of intimacy yet and Grayson was extremely understanding and would never cross my boundaries. It only added to the other reasons as to why I loved him so much.

"Can we make kitchen sink sundaes?" I asked hopefully, a feeling of nostalgia washing over me even as the words left my mouth. They were one of the foods I missed the most.
A loud, deep chuckle sounded after a moment.
"Come on," he smiled, "Let's do this!"

We called Ethan down and got to work with laying out all our favourite flavours and topping before getting to work on the actual sundaes.

I grabbed my huge bowl and began heaping in the cookie dough and peanut butter cup flavours, not paying attention to neither Ethan or Grayson. Ice cream was better than any guy.

I realised however I should've been paying them the slightest bit of attention when I felt a cold wet object on my cheek. I quickly turned to find Grayson with a spoon full of ice cream.
He smirked at me, "You're sweet." He commented as I grabbed a spoon to return his actions.

They weren't completed though, because when I was reaching forward to wipe the spoon on Grayson's face, Ethan grabbed both my arms and held them behind my back.
"Get her Gray!" He yelled, as Grayson came forward with a tub half full of ice cream that had melted. A menacing smile played his lips as he watched me struggle to get free.

"Don't you dare!" I screamed as he teasingly and slowly advanced forward until he was stood in front of me, an evil twinkle in his eye.

"You wouldn't dare..." I said, trying to convince myself. This was a poor attempt however when I felt the cold, runny liquid trickle down my hair and face.
The twins began to howl, laughing until tears ran down their cheeks. I'm glad they found this amusing.

Despite me not being thrilled about being covered in ice cream, I knew that the playfulness was what made them special.
I'd miss that.

End of chapter!
I think there's just one more chapter and the epilogue!
Comment what you think will happen!
Also please vote if you're enjoying it!
- Ky 💜

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