{Part nine}

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My stomach ties itself in tiny knots as I peer over the edge of the building. My grey eyes scanned the darkness, trying to find the bottom, but I couldn't see anything. 

"I am not jumping down there! I'll die!" My hysteric screams tangle with the blustering wind. 

"I don't see why you're so scared, Katniss. After all, Mockingjay's can fly, can't they?" Looking towards Tobias, I see he has a smirk plastered to his face. Ignoring his comment, I turn towards 'Tris', raising an eyebrow; silently asking, What do you see in him? She shakes her head and gives me a warm smile. 

Now standing at the edge of the building, I look down once again. My knees begin to shake, and my breath gets caught in the back of my throat; forming a lump I try so desperately to swallow. 

"Don't think. Just jump." The wind carries a voice that reaches my ears. Clearing my mind, I breath in and out slowly. It's just like shooting. Calm, aim, shoot. But instead of holding a bow and having a quiver of arrows, I have to aim down, and jump. My mind is now buzzing with different scenarios; bad scenarios. 

Stopping myself quickly, I once again, breath in and out slowly. My mind now cleared, I look down. Slightly bending my knees, I leap off the building. My mouth opens in a scream, but no sound comes out. The wind whips my loose hair around as I fall forwards. My stomach drops, in a good way, turning my mouth into a smile. I've never felt this free before.  Not even with Lyme as the leader have I felt this free. Turning myself ever so slightly, I'm now facing upwards, looking towards the darkening sky. My mind wanders to Peeta. What would he be doing? He'd be going out of his mind, frantically running around. A small laugh slips out of my mouth as I think of him pulling at his blonde hair. But then a frown replaces it once I feel myself hit something. Surprisingly, the object sank down with me and then sprang back up lightly. I sit up, seeing I fell on a weaved rope forming a net, that stretches between poles. It seems very worn and it even has some holes scattered among it. 

Hearing a gentle laugh coming from above I look up to see Tobias and 'Tris' jokingly pushing each other at the edge of the building I just jumped from. I scoot slowly towards the edge, jumping down and landing with a soft thud that echoes through the dim lighting. I look up towards them once again and see 'Tris' slightly shoves Tobias, a bit too hard. A small smile lights my face as I see him quickly snatch one of her hands and pulls her with him. Both of their laughs echo through the dim light, and suddenly I feel as if I'm intruding on a moment. Turning my head away, I walk towards one tunnel and lean against the wall, paitently waiting while examining my dirt covered nails. The old team would be mortified at this. Chuckling, I look towards the net, seeing they both have landed and are still laughing. 

"Is that what you two dragged me down here for? Or did you want to show me something?" 

"Someones impatient, I see. Come on Fire Girl, I shall show you the way." Tobias effortly lifts 'Tris from the net and places her on her feet, he keeps his hands on her small waist, and bends down to place a small kiss on her cheek. He smiles at her as she bluses up at him, at my menta reaction I quickly frown and I'm now thinking of the Capitol people. How they'd 'Aww' at Peeta's sweet comments, or at our couple like actions. 

Following them both down another dimly lit tunnel, my feet silently padded along the dust covered floor. The crashing of water against rocks my head snaps up and I look towards the sound. Walking over to the  small metal bridge, I look down, finding clear water smashing itself into the rocks surrounding it. 

"It's called the Chasm. Not even the bravest or the toughest of the Dauntless has ever come out. Only crazy people jump in there." Suprised to hear Tobias' voice behind me, I turn around and face him. 

"You're not going to throw me over the edge are you?" His laugh echo's throughout, suprisingly drowning out the crashing of the water momentairly. 

"No, I would never. I'm not that mean." 

"The Chasm is the cowards way out. I'd prefer for you not to joke about it." 'Tris' soft voice is stern and hard,not it's soft and soothing as it was before. 

"Come on. Up those stairs and then we're there." 

"Where is 'there' exactly?" Curiosity finally got to me, and the words had tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. 

Looking towards the pair, I see them looking towards each other with icy stares. They bothe speak at the same time, but only 'Tris' looks towards me as they do.

"The Fear Landscape." 

Oh my gosh! Guys! Over 1000 reads! Thank you:3 This isn't as long as I'd have liked it to be, but I wanted to end it with them telling Katniss this! Thanks again for 1000+ reads! Love you all so much, from Tee:3

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