Fight, Forgive, Forget

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Hera's P.O.V

I was flying the Ghost as usual when Kanan walked in.

"Hey, Love. Whatcha up too?" I asked the Jedi.

"Have you seen Ezra?" He asked me and I shook my head 'no.'

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen him all day," I said under my breath.

"He's been acting off since yesterday and I haven't seen him since then," Kanan added on.

"I'll go look for him," I said and Kanan nodded unsure then left the cockpit. I sat here thinking of places of where the young lad would of gone. That's when I hear a creak above me then a moan until it's to late. Someone lands on me and I have little time to process who it was.

Then I look to see Ezra laying on my lap. "Ezra!" I said in surprise as he sprung up immediately then ran for the door. I was quick though and latched onto his wrist.

"Hey, wait," I said making Ezra frozen on spot.

"Where were you? Kanan couldn't find you anywhere and you getting me worried," I said still holding his wrist.

"Why do you care?! You're not my mom!" He snapped then yanked his arm out of my grasp. Ezra ran out of the door leaving me standing there in shock. Sabine stood off to the side when Ezra ran passed her.

"What's his problem?" Sabine asked me confused.

"I don't know but I'm going to figure it out," I said and walked in the direction the boy went. Luckily, we were in space and Zeb took the Phantom to visit his people. That left Ezra trapped on the Ghost but where.

   I walked around and thought of a few places then quickly looked but found nothing.

   'Could he have gone in the vents again?' I thought but dismissed the idea. Why would he redo the event of earlier again? Of course, that was an accident. I sighed and was about to give up when my eyes spotted something blue behind a crate. I walked over and saw the teen sitting there with his legs to his chest.

   He looked up at me and glared.

   "Ezra, what's going on?" I asked kneeling down in front of him.

   "Nothing that concerns you so stay out of my business," he spat.

   "It probably has to do something with me if you're so mad. What did I do to you?" I asked but Ezra didn't reply.

   "Ezra," I added a little more stern. The teen teeth were clenched and if looks could kill then I might as well be dead.

   "Shut up and leave me alone!" He said pushing me but with the Force. Sending me into a couple of crates knocking a couple that were stacked. Yet, I wasn't worried about that at the moment. I was confused and angry but at the moment my mind couldn't think straight.

   My vision was blurry but clear enough to see Ezra run off. Then, lights out.

When my world of black faded, as a light blinded me. I tried to open my eyes once again and soon see that I am in the med-bay. I sit up and scrub my eyes of exhaustion then my head began to throb.

A pained moan left my mouth as I held the part of my head that hurt the most.

"Hera, your finally awake!" Sabine said walking into the room without me noticing.

"What happened? Also, please keep your voice down, my head still hurts," I told the artist.

"Sorry, and I found you knocked out next to the crates with a big bump on your head. Kanan came and carried you here and I took care of that bump," she explained.

"Now, how did you end up in that situation is what I would like to know," she added crossing her arms.

"It was Ezra but don't blame him cause he seemed very lost," I said, "You even saw him run past so you should know that something isn't right."

Sabine nodded understanding, "So what are we going to do about it?"

For the first time ever, I didn't have a clue.

"I don't know," I admitted sadly then tried to stand with some help from explosive girl.

"We'll figure something out," she said helping me out of the med-bay.

*Six days later...*

Ezra has been avoiding me now. We haven't spoken since he knocked me into those crates. I wasn't sure what was wrong with him. Every time I try to speak to him, he walks off and pretends that he never saw me.

Soon, I couldn't contain my frustration. Why was he doing this? What did I ever do to Ezra to make him ignore me like this? I wish he would just stay and talk to me to figure out what's bothering him.

That's when I started to avoid him thinking that he was just a moody teen that needed space.

Yet, it just made it worse.

Ezra seemed to get more into depression and glares at me before leaving now. It was getting out of hand and I wasn't sure what to do.

Right at the moment, I was flying the Ghost to clear my thoughts of the past couple days.

I hear the door open and turn in my chair to see Sabine.

"Hello, Sabine," I said smiling a bit. At least the rest of the crew isn't ignoring me. Sabine returned the gesture then asked, "Hey Hera, could you come and help me find a paint can? I think it's somewhere in boy's room but it's hard to find."

   I hesitated for a moment before agreeing to help find the paint.

   We both made our way to Zeb and Ezra's room soon to stand in front of the door. Sabine opened the door to reveal a somewhat messy room. On the top bunk laid the sleeping form of Ezra with his back facing us.

   I walked in as quietly as possible then realized something. I turned around and whispered my question. "Why didn't you ask, Ezra?" I asked.

   "One, you've seen how he's been acting. Two, he's asleep. Three, this was a set up to fix the two of you," she said then closed the door. I ran over and tried to open it but it was already locked.

   "Sabine Wren, open this door now or I'm getting someone else to do it so I can get you," I threatened.

   "The others agreed to do this," Sabine said slyly.

   "You'll thank us for this," she added.

   I couldn't believe what I was hearing and nervously turned to see the broken boy move a little.

   "Good luck," was the last thing I heard Sabine say before footsteps began to walk away. I lightly pounded the door before resting my forehead on the cool surface. I turned around and slid down against the door until I was sitting on the floor. My legs were up against my chest with arms wrapped around them.

What was I going to do when Ezra wakes up? For all I know, he will just knock me out again.

   That's when Ezra starts to move in his sleep making me very nervous.

   What am I going to do?


Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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