It part 6

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Sorry, there is going to be a lot of switching of P.O.V's and...*hides* this is also the last part of It.

Warning: it will get gruesome!!!



Sabine's P.O.V

   One minute, Ezra and I are just taking a nice stroll through the trees. The next, something grabs my mouth and pulls me into the trees. I tried calling for help but only came out as quiet muffles. Whatever grabbed me has a strong grip and there wasn't anyway to release myself. I only hoped that Ezra was on his way with a plan.

   The thing that gripped me was cold to the touch. Yet, it had an peculiar smell to it which soon left my mind hazy. It was so bad that I passed out.

Ezra's P.O.V

   We came to a split in the road so I turned to ask Sabine a question. I immediately paused and stopped when there was no one there. Ah...Karabast. This was bad. Very bad.

   I gulped and slowly looked around, listening for any potential thing to pop out of the brush. I could feel it. The cold. It was close. To close for comfort. Yet, oddly the thing also felt like it was fading from the Force. Like it was dying slowly but wavered in place. At the same time, another signature invaded the space as well. It gave off the awful cold feeling.

   So I got off the trail and followed the new trail, towards the cold.

   My mind was set on only the trail, blocking out the noises and activity around me. Hopefully nothing decides to think that I'll be a midnight snack. There was a good possibility that it would be able to sneak up in me. I'm usually more...sensitive to my surroundings.

   Like a simple drop of a pin or a feeling of being watched. That's when I would book it to a safer place. This situation was different though, more delicate than being a walking steak.

   I finally arrived when feeling myself internally shiver. I was so cold that I instinctively went to hug myself and warm my arms. Yet, no fog of breathe left my mouth but it felt cold enough to see it.

I stared into the depths of the dark cave. In a way, it called me to come in and lure me like a moth to a flame. Except, caves are dark and cold compared to a flame which would come in handy right about now.

I unhooked my lightsaber from my belt and ignited it. Slowly, I walked into the abyss. The light from the sword bouncing off the walls and giving it a soft glow of blue. Dripping was heard deeper in the tunnel along with the sound on my steps. An unnatural feeling swelled up in me the deeper I got.

Soon, my teeth started to chatter and my chested aches along with my head. Why did I feel so sick all of a sudden?

   A dizzy spell fell over me as I stumbled over to the wall to help me walk without falling. I blinked a couple of time when hearing a snapping and hissing noise. My eyes narrowed,  scanning the area for anything that seemed out of place. I shuddered and gulped for air as it was getting harder to breathe.

   That's when I's here.

   All at once, cold arms wrapped around my stomach and over my mouth. My eyes widen and tried to scream but it was blocked off by the disturbingly soft, yet icy cold hand. I was quickly pulled into the darkness of the shadows. My lightsaber slipped out of my hands, turning off, and left to lay on the floor.

Kanan's P.O.V

   "Ezra! Sabine! One of you two better pick up your comms or else. Well, I don't exactly know what 'else' is but I'm sure when Hera's back to normal, she'll have something," I lamely warned, getting no reply for what felt like the hundredth time.

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