It part 2

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Many of you asked for a part two!! Here it is!!



Ezra's P.O.V

My fingers drummed on the top of the table's surface. My mind was scattered and wondered what the interrogation was going to be like.

   Kanan was standing beside me, blocking the door in case Hera decided to run or do something to me. Sabine was on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall next to the other door. Chopper sat quietly in the corner, ready to record

   I didn't want to say interrogation because it sounds like we're going to torture her for information. No instead, we're going to have a nice chat with a delusional Twi'lek that could do anything if I said or did something wrong.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the sound of the door sliding open filled the room. My eyes averted up to see Zeb guiding Hera over to the seat on the other side of the table. Her wrists were handcuffed and head bowed, staring blankly at the floor. Zeb firmly gripped her shoulder and gently pushed her into the seat.

I looked over my shoulder at Kanan for some sort of reassurance. He nodded as if answering an unspoken question. I turned back to Hera to see her staring at the table.

"Hera," I spoke, trying to get her attention or some sort of response.

At first, she didn't do anything like she didn't hear a word I said. I was about to speak up again until she fell forward, hitting her head on the table and leaving it there.

   "Can I ask you a question?" I asked a little to quickly. Hera sat back up and looked at me with unfocused eyes, waiting.

   I glanced at Kanan before asking Hera, "What happened to you and your team?"

   "They're waiting," she said in a sing-song voice.

   "Waiting for what?" I asked.

   "For the baby to be born," she said, smirking.

   For some reason, I paused and seemed a little...horrified by the thought. Waiting for the baby? It didn't make any sense.

   "Why are they waiting for the baby to be born?"

   "A baby can not exist without a body," Hera giggled as if I was being silly. I didn't laugh at all. In fact, her answer was so...unexpected. I didn't know what else to say because my mouth went dry. I had to lick my lips just to ask another question.

"Okay...what happened to you?"

Hera's smiley and giggly self morphed into a blank and almost, stern form. This was new...and I wasn't liking this change. Not. One. Bit. I gulped and carefully chose what to say next.

   "Did it do something to you, Hera?"

   Her eyes widen before sinking deeper into her seat, crossing her arms around herself. Her head bowed, finding her lap interesting. Thinking I crossed a line, I snapped my mouth shut and regretted asking. She must of gone through so much and here I am having a 'chat' with her.

   It doesn't feel like a chat anymore. Not to me or anyone else in the room. The tense air swallowed me whole as we patiently watched the Twi'lek's next move. I subconsciously shifted in my seat before freezing again.

   Hera slowly but surely looked up.

   A Cheshire smile spread from ear to ear, showing the rows of teeth and her pupils were so small that they could hardly be seen. Both eyes were drawn and looking in the opposite ways in a very terrifying manner.

   She began to giggle before turning into hysterical laughter.

   "K-Kanan," I said, heart pounding against my chest. I stood from where I was sitting and backed away from the psychotic pilot. Kanan places a hand on my shoulder as a way to comfort me.

   "Hera," Sabine said, slowly inching away from the door and resting her hands on her blasters. I was tempted to do the same with my lightsaber but didn't want to hurt Hera. Threatening her wouldn't end in good results. Whatever was happening to her came from that planet.

   Possibly, there could be something there that could fix this.

   "It's coming for all of us!" Hera laughed.

   "Zeb, hold her still!" Kanan ordered. The Lasat gave a quick nodded before rushing over to Hera and trapping her in his arms. Kanan walked forwards and placed his hand on her forehead, concentrating through the Force.

   Hera's laughter died down as she passed out into a deep slumber. The room grew eerily silent.

   "Sabine and Chopper, set course for that planet," Kanan ordered suddenly, making me jump. Sabine and Chopper didn't need to be told twice when hastily making a break for the cockpit.

   "Zeb, go prep yourself for the mission," he said. Zeb didn't seem to like the idea of leaving us with Hera but with one look from Kanan, he hesitantly nodded before leaving.

   My master carefully laid Hera on the couch and glanced over at me. The way he looked at me made my stomach churn a little.

   "Ezra, I need you to watch Hera," he said.

   "What?" I said in disbelief. Then asked, "Why?"

   "So that way she doesn't do anything that will end up with someone hurt or maybe hug you again for a long time. I don't know but right now, I-we need you, Ezra. We need you right now."

   I froze at the last words looking at the unconscious form of the pilot.

   "We need you now, Ezra. We need you right now."

   Those were the exact words she told me before I stupidly and heroically went to save the crew when I first met them. Yet, it was so worth it.

   So after gulping down my fear and worry, I stood confident and gave a determined nod. Kanan seemed confused by my sudden change but smiled before walking towards the door.

   "If you need anything, comm me," he stated.

   "Why are you leaving?" I asked.

   "It may work better if you both were alone," he explained. I sighed as the door shut. I sat on the edge of the couch and stared at the wall. My hands trembled a bit and tried to calm my nerves down.

   Stay calm. That's what I kept telling myself while breathing in and out slowly. I knew anything could happen if she woke up. She could strangle me to death, trap me in a hug, make a run for the door. Basically, the odds are not very clear on her next move and it worried-scared me just thinking about it.

The couch moved a bit and I turned to see Hera shifted a little in her sleep. I calmed my racing heart and sighed, hoping that she will return back to her normal self.

*Time skip*

I tapped my foot impatiently still waiting for a signal that we arrived.

'What's taking so long?' I wondered and was about to get up investigate.

A groan made me freeze in place as I slowly turned to see Hera starting to wake up. I panicked a bit then forced myself to calm down for the pilot's sake. She blinked a couple times and that's when I noticed something in those green eyes. Something different.

The Twi'lek squinted to try and focus her vision more before saying, "Ja...cen."

I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask who that was but Hera didn't seem to lucid at the moment since mistaking me for someone else.

Then she passed out again.


Do not worry. I'm making a part three.

Stay tuned and adios!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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