The Cure

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Ideas suggested by Charm1355 and Star-Wars-Dragons !



Ezra's P.O.V

   All I could hear was the sound of my raged breathing.

   All I could see was blurry flashes of lights and dark green from the trees.

   My mouth was like sandpaper. Body numb and slowly getting worse every minute.

   Where was Hera? How were the others? What happened? What was I doing again?

   Memory was a blur. The only thing I knew was that the sickness and injury. They hurt like a thousand Lothal suns inside me. Burning. I felt like I was burning from the inside and out. Yet, I was cold and curled into a ball to get as much warmth as possible.

A puddle of vomit was next to me. I assumed that it was me that lost my lunch.

I curled up more as a breeze came by. My eyes were slowly dropping as I tried to think of what happened. Then the welcoming arms of slumber took me to dream land.

Pictures flashed of my fallen crew. Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb. Those three who were taken into full contamination. Only Chopper was able to go near them.

They were sick to some sort of disease and if not treated then we might lose them. I couldn't bare it and neither could Hera.

   We were the only two that were fine but for how long? I didn't know. The both of us could be slowly being eaten at as we speak. So Hera and I left Chopper to take care of the three while we went to get the cure.

   The cure was on a flourished planet with all sorts of wild life and vegetation. We had to get a special herb that grew near a canyon. The odds were with us when the Phantom couldn't land near the canyon. So we had to walk a couple miles through the thick jungle to get what we need.

Yet, this planet was also marked as an Imperial planet. We had to keep watch for them and anything that wants to kill or poison us.

   When the Phantom's door opened, a wave of heat rushed in. Hera and I climbed out of the small ship then began our walk through the trees. Near the clearing was a fairly large stream.

   "Do you think they will be fine with Chopper taking care of them?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

   "I'm sure Chopper is capable of  watching them," Hera replied.

   Then added, "Also, watch your step. There could be quicksand or sink holes."

   I stopped for a moment and looked down the see plants. Not even my feet were visible.

   "How am I supposed to watch out for anything if I can't see my own feet?" I asked.

   "Have a lucky guess and be positive," she said and I rolled my eyes.

   "That's reassuring," I say sarcastically.

   "It wasn't supposed to be," she replied.


   The two of us stopped and searched the area for an oncoming threat.

Nothing came.

"Let's keep moving," Hera said and I began to follow her still scanning the area.

It came out of no where. It was like a blur then disappeared. It came back and pounced on Hera giving me little time to warn her. The thing held Hera down and drool slipped from its mouth right onto her face.

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