Chapter 7

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Cammie POV

When I arrive home from Shannon's I go into the living room to watch some TV and my mom is there. We're having a chat and I'm telling her all about last night although I leave out the part about the kiss and the cops turning up.
"Well it sounds like you had a good night, it's nice that you and Shannon are friends again" she says giving me a big smile "What would you like for dinner tonight?" Should I answer that honestly and tell her about my date? Or just tell her I'm going out with Shannon as a friend?
I take a deep breath and decide to admit the truth "Erm I'm going out on a date tonight thanks so don't need dinner." I say while avoiding eye contact, if she asks who it's with I'll tell her, if not I'll keep it to myself and then it's not lying because she didn't ask. "Lucky you hon, who's the lucky guy" Now I really can't look at her, I get nervous and start fidgeting with my hands but I suppose it's time to be brave and tell her "Erm so the date is with someone you know but won't expect, mom it's er, it's with em Shannon" I mutter while not looking at her "Sorry I didn't catch the name? Why are you so nervous about it?"
"Mom it's with Shannon" I blurt out as I suddenly find some confidence. "Well lucky her!" My mom replied while coming over to hug me. "Are you not surprised?" I ask because that's not the response I expected "Cam I've been waiting for this day for years, the way you look at Shannon is more then just looking at a friend, even a best friend. And you've never looked at any of your boyfriends like that." "Well thanks mom" "Honey I love you and I always will no matter what!" We hug and it's the best hug I've ever had from my mom because it's a hug of acceptance "Erm Mom, other then Shannon you're the first person I've told" "Well I'm glad you did and while I'm not going to push you to tell anyone else I think you should know that your dad knows and 100% accepts you so whenever you're ready to have that talk with him, please don't stress about it." "Thanks mom, now I need to go get ready for my date" "Okay well let me know if you need any help, and I hope you have a great time tonight"

I run up the stairs to my room and grab my phone to text Shannon

C: So I have some news for you

S: What is it?

C: I told my mom about our date tonight and I kinda came out to her

S: Cammie that's brilliant! I'm so proud of you!
S: But I hope you don't feel like I pressured you into doing it

C: No of course not! I was tired of pretending and I'm glad I did

S: Well I'm very happy for you and I can't wait to see you later

C: Me either
C: Where should I meet you later? Or what's the plan?

S: Oh yeah probably should have said to you that I'll pick you up
S: Does 6 suit you?

C:Yeah okay I'll see you then

S: Great see you then!

I'm getting ready for the date, I've showered and done my hair and now I'm doing my make up when there's a knock at the door. "Come in" I say expecting it to be my mom checking up on me but when the door opens it's my dad. My mom probably told him about our chat earlier and will have sent him up to speak to me.

"Hey Kiddo, how are you doing?" "Hey Dad, I'm good thanks. How are you?" "Yeah I'm not too bad thanks, you look nice. Are you going out somewhere?" "Yeah I have a date tonight with Shannon" I say blushing and not looking at his face, I decided it's better to just get it out then to build up to it. "Shannon eh, well I hope you have a great night sweetie" he says and gives me a big smile "Thanks Dad, erm I suppose Mom told you about our chat earlier and how I kind of told her I'm gay" " Yeah she did and I just want to tell you that I love you and I always will" "Dad stop you'll make me cry and it will ruin I make up" I say making him chuckle as he comes over to give me a hug and kisses the top of my head. "Okay well I'll let you finish getting ready but I'm here if you need anything or ever need to talk" "Thanks Dad, I love you" "Love you too Cam" He leaves the room and I finish getting ready.

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