The Beginning

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This story starts a little bit before the start of Naruto Shippuden.

Guy-sensei and Rock Lee are doing their 20-mile warmup run for their afternoon training. Lee's running beside Guy in the woods, enjoying their harsh training. He was beginning to pant, for they were almost at the ten-mile mark.

"Lee, we will stop up ahead to take a break and get a drink of fresh water from the river." Says Guy.

"Yes, Guy-sensei!" Lee smiles.

When they get to the river, they sit on the bank and drink the rivers sparkling water. Lee's breathing slowed back to normal and he looks up the river.

"Guy-sensei, what is that?" Lee asks as he points at an object that's floating down the river towards them. They both stand up and Guy squints his eyes to focus.

"It appears to be a rowboat, Lee. Although, there appears to be no one rowing." They watch the boat as it floats by. They gasp in horror when they see a bruised and bloody girl laying in the boat!

"Come on, Lee. Let's help her!" Guy-Sensei and Lee run on top of the water to the boat and they pull the boat onto the river bank. They hesitate to get the girl out of the boat. Her clothes are torn so much that they were only able to conceal the parts of her body that make her a girl. Lee picks the girl out of the boat and he lays her in the soft moss that lines the bank. Guy presses two fingers to the girl's neck and pauses...

"Is she alive?" Lee asks with worry. Guy puts his ear next to her mouth.

"She's breathing slowly and I think she's unconscious. I'll go back to the village to get the medical ninja's. You stay here and watch over her." Guy instructs Lee.

Guy speeds back to the village. Lee sits on the bank beside the girl and is about to shout after his Guy, but does not. Lee stares for a moment, looking in the direction his sensei went. He looks down at the injured girl that's laying on the ground beside him...

There are cuts and bruises all over the girls body. He notices that there is a gash above her left temple that is bleeding quite a bit. Lee tares off a part of his bandage from his right arm and wraps it around the girls head to stop the bleeding. He tries to wash the blood from her (y/h/c) hair. Afterwards, he searches the rest of her body for more wounds. She's pretty. Lee thinks. She must be cold though. I'll put my vest on her. Lee takes his vest off and lifts the girls left arm to put it through the arm hole...

A grunt leaves the girls lips and she slowly opens her eyes. She looks up at the boy that's hovering over her body.

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