Chapter 19 ...Yes

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Being back in London after a month of destroying Hydra bases felt amazing, a two-day break needed before heading back for the rest of them. At the moment, you were delivering the files to Colonel Philips, the other two stashed in your room under your bed. You hadn't mentioned it to Bucky yet but you had sent a message saying you needed to talk to him later. After handing the filed to the Colonel and briefing him on the mission he sent you on your way with a brisk wave of the hand. You knew he didn't mean anything by it and you smiled to yourself as you walked out. Making your way down the hall you saw a familiar face turn the corner and you grinned, seeing the exact moment he recognized you.

"Well if it isn't Miss Cowan." Howard drawled, sauntering lazily towards you.

"Mr. Stark." You nodded, a hint of mischief playing in your eyes.

"You look delightful for a woman hunting down Hydra bases in the middle of Europe." He commented, stopping in front of you.

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me Stark." You teased, seeing the relief in his eyes when he saw you were in one piece.

"I'm glad your home safe Kathryn." He said sincerely, holding out his hand.

"For now." You nodded, taking his hand gently, "I'm gone again in two days."

"Well you'll have to join me for a late-night fondue before you go." He grinned, knowing about the mix up between Steve and Peggy.

"I have heard all about your fondue Howard. I've been warned." You raised an eyebrow, watching him flush slightly.

"Seriously. We need to catch up before you go. I have all sorts of gadgets for you. Make your life a little easier." He offered and you nodded, movement catching you eye behind Howard.

"Sergeant Cowan, you sent for me?" Bucky called, voice slightly colder then you wanted it to be.

"Yes, I did." You nodded, before squeezing Howards hand, "I'll come find you later."

"Sounds like a plan. Should I bring fondue?" he grinned.

"Stop." You shook your head, amusement coloring your words as he laughed, walking away with a jaunty whistle.

Walking towards Bucky you saw him staring daggers at the back of Howards head and you rolled your eyes. He fell into step with you as you got closer, following you to your room, only hesitating when you walked inside. He stood in the doorway, looking a tad apprehensive.

"What's wrong?" you sighed, hands on your hips.

"Just wouldn't want rumours starting." He murmured, glancing down the halls.

"It didn't stop you last time." You remarked, remembering when he walked in before you left on your mission.

"Last time you didn't have a fondue date." He shot back and you groaned in exasperation.

Walking over you yanked him into the room not so gently and shut the door. His eyebrows disappeared under his cap at the loud bang before you whirled on him, eyes narrowed,

"I'm not fondueing with Stark. I told him to his face that I would not be fondueing with him. There is nothing going on between me and Howard and besides if there was it would be none of your business." You growled, seeing the slight twitch of Bucky's lips, "Why are you trying not to smile?"

"It gets funnier every time you say fondueing." He cracked, a smile breaking out on his face and you shook your head, not able to help the small laugh that slipped through.

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