Chapter 12

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Dillon's Point of View:

I am a dumb egotistical brat. I have not heart and I don't deserve Alaska. She deserved a person who will love her from the start. Unlike me... A papered narcissistic brat who did not deserve a mate.

Alaska not only has stitches, bruises, but is emotionally scarred... for life. Now she's ran away. I can't say that I don't blame her. But did she half to run away with a boy? A boy that could easily hurt her the same way I did? I would much rather be here with me...

But I don't get that. Because well, I'm... me.

Now here I am following her. The howls of myself and my friends caused her to feel frightened. But I couldn't stop, my wolf's instinct to call her to me... To the pact. She was the next rightful Luna. Even as a human she would be able to feel a calling to come to us.

I couldn't tell were they were headed. Somewhere south, my pack mates are saying Florida. I could see Alaska on the beach in a black bikini, her soft pink hair flowing in the wind. It pained me knowing I would never be able to see her like that.

But it was nice to picture her like that. Me by her side, I'm not sure if she would want to go surfing. I think she would just want to sit in the shade, so her pale skin doesn't burn. I think I would drag her out into the water. Even if it's just to her ankles, she would probably kick water up at me.

She would have this big grin on her face. I'd then pick her up and and bring her out to waist deep water. She would kick and scream, but the whole time smiling and being playful.

After a while of day dreaming about Alaska she got out of the car. Her hands were shaking, her left hand having her fingers crossed. She walked towards me, even though I was hidden in the shadows.

"Wolf, please don't kill me. I don't know why but your howls are kind of calling me out here. So just please don't eat me." Her voice was even, not cracking in the lightest. Confidence radiated off of her, but if you looked in her eyes you could see the fear.

I stepped out of the shadows. She flinched, she put her hands up. I put my giant wolf head up to her hands. She sucked in her breathe, but didn't move. I nuzzled my against her small warm hands. I sat down wagging my over sized wolf tail.

Alaska looked down at me, her face was blank.

"So your not going to eat me? Well that's great! Your the same wolf I saw in the woods back at my house right?" I nodded my head. Alaska looked shocked by my action. Stupid! Wolves don't understand people! Ugh, I'm such a big idiot!

I licked her face, this is probably as close as I would ever come to kissing her. How could I have been so stupid? How do you not know what you have (sort of) tell you lost it.

"Eww!" Alaska said wiping the slobber off herself. But she was smiling slightly. She yawned, her small little mouth making a little O. I nudged her towards the car she was shacking from the cold. It hurt to have her get back in the car with the strange man. But it was best for her.

"Night wolf. Thanks for not eating me and all..." She said as she rubbed her eyes and got into the car. She was so beautiful when she slept.

How did I mess things up this badly?

Hello Readers! Sorry for another short chapter!

Are you a morning or night person? I'm a morning!

-Love you all

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