Chapter 33

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We were now outside my Dad's work. I bite my lip as I looked at the building there was smoke coming from the top floor were Dad works. I raced out of the car I already had a rain cloud above dumping water on the building. The water running off the building had spilled onto me making me dripping wet.

I ran up the fire stairs, people running into me. Elbows being jabbed into my sides, I got to the top floor out of breath.

"Dad!" I yelled, I heard a crisp cough. I saw my Dad his skin burn to a crisp.

"Dad," I chocked out suddenly a lady on him. By that she is standing on his chest, her heals sinking into his chest. I choked as smoke and salty tears filled my lungs. The lady who had killed my father had short bright red hair, her skin was tan but had dark sports from smoke.

"You're here!" She yelled with a child like voice she jumped in the air landing on my dad her heals making a crunch as the punctured him. My knees buckled, I fell to the ground to the ground.

"Why?" I asked tears streaming down my face.

"Oh silly me, my husbands glamour is still up." She said with a sick laugh, suddenly the room turned back to a regular empty office. The lady no longer covered in smoke, my Dad was now tied to a chair untouched by flames and the ladies heels.

"What is your name young one? I'm Beatty my husbands name is Paul but he is invisible, down side of being an illusionist. Like how when I'm angered fires start. Like how the weather likes to mimic your emotions."

"What do you want with me?"

"A revolution of coarse." A man said from behind me I turned suddenly but no one was there.

"Invisible, like I said." Beatty laughed.

"I still don't see why you need me!" I yelled at her. She smiled a wary smile a set of papers caught a flame.

"Don't yell. I dislike raised voices. Now you see which's have been living in hiding since the beginning. Are own families shut us out. It's time we get to be in the open, no more shall they call us ugly trolls." She said strangely calm.

"Why should I help you?" I asked.

"Because you see my dear you're in hiding. Aren't you sick of not understanding? Who can you reach out to? Sparrow is long gone by now, I believe she was heading to Iceland. The wolves treat you like your insane, your own mother doesn't even believe you. I doubt your lawyer father would to."

"How do you know this?" I asked scared.

"Paul and I have been watching you."

"That's not creepy at all." I mumbled sarcastically.

"It's not, we like to watch our own." Paul said to my ear. I had a felling when he said we, he was not just talking for him and his wife...

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