I ate my grilled cheese silently. Everyone was looking at me, studding me, was I ageing as I ate? I looked at the food losing my apatite, I wanted to create a fog to hide in. I wanted to run as far away as I could but it would never change the fact I looked like I was 25 when I was 17.
"I'm not hungry." No one answered. I got up everyone did as well, they were waiting for it to happen again.
"It doesn't work that way," I told them they didn't listen. "It only happen's when I use my gift and I had been unseeing them it just changes so quickly." I needed some fitting clothes, I could barely breathe in the ones I had on now. I walked to the door where Dillon stopped me.
"Where are you going?" He asked looking at me, studding me, god I was still 17.
"Shopping." I told him pushing past him.
"I'm coming," He said,
"Me too! Plus you need money!" I forgot about money.
"Fine you two can come, but if any one asks I'm babysitting you."
"I'll drive you all, don't want you to be walking all the way over there." I didn't care, I just needed to clothes. After arriving at the mall, I quickly walked to Hot Topic. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a All time Low shirt, I grabbed a bright bubble gum pink zip up hoodie. Luke payed for the clothes, I went into the dressing room. I changed snapping off the price tags as I did so.
I walked out of Hot Topic the two idiot's following me like lost puppies. As we walked to Vans I spotted a very very hot guy. He had to be in his twenties, way to old for me... Except now I was in my twenties and dressed like I was twelve.
I quickly ran into American Eagle, right next to Vans thankfully I could get I decent outfit.
"What's going on?" Dillon asked. I bite my tongue from saying none of your business.
"I don't have that much money," Luke complained. I didn't listen to him, I grabbed a pair of washed out blue skinny jeans as I did so I grabbed a white blouse
I quickly changed as I did I looked in the mirror. My pink had faded into an ashy white my roots had grown in, I looked pretty attractive. I grabbed a bottle of try me perfume and sprayed my body.
"What are you doing?" The two of them asked.
"Dressing more my age." I said, now where did that hot guy go? I walked out of the store, Dillon and Luke following at my heals. They were both arguing but I wasn't listening. Then I saw the gorges dude, god he was hot.
"Hi," I said causally.
"What are you doing?" Dillon asked.
"Hi," Said the guy he was dreamy.
"What are you doing?" Luke asked this time.
"Sorry about them." I said. The dude laughed at them, he had such a pretty smile.
"No problem. Your brothers?" I shook my head.
"Nope I'm babysitting." I said, Dillon looked like he was about to say something so I stepped on his foot.
"My names Nick, if you ever want to hang out some time." He took out a pen and wrote his number on my arm. Okay this was amazing, he left and I kind of just stood there.
"You are mine!" Dillon said grabbing my hand and dragging me someone where.

Partially Rejected
WerewolfHello, this story is not good. It was written by a depressed young tween who didn't understand what an abusive relationship is. I'm only keeping it up because it's my only completed book. Take everything a grain of salt. (It's cringey) So good luck...