Chapter 28: Muted

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Stiles was putting books away into his bag to get ready for school while Sabrina was in his shower. He then went and grabbed his lacrosse stick. Stiles then started to move it into his bag. His back was turned to the door so he didn't see his father come in until he knocked on the door.

"Hey dad," Stiles said as he turned to face him. 

His dad stepped into his room and his eyes fell on the calendar hanging nearby. He saw that Stiles had a day circled and marked in a green marker. It was the day of the upcoming full moon. "Is there a special full moon coming up?" he asked pointing to the calendar.

"Oh, not really. It's just a full moon." "Why do you have it circled though?" "Because of Sabrina and Scott." "But mostly because of Sabrina, right?" Noah asked. Stiles let a breath loose. "Yeah, mostly because of Sabrina. I worry about her on full moons but I know she can handle herself." Noah softly smiled at the fact of how much he realized that Stiles loves Sabrina. Which now he had to bring up the talk with his son.

"Are you and Sabrina...being safe?" 

"Yeah, don't worry. On full moons, I stay in my jeep while I keep an eye on Sabrina if she does lose control and manage to escape from her room. If she does, I would follow after her while maintaining my distance." 

"Uh, not what I meant son. I mean...are you two, being safe? Together." Noah's eyes traveled to Sabrina's clothes that were on the floor.

Stiles followed his father's eyes and his eyes widened. When he and Sabrina woke up this morning, they both decided to go for a second round. After they were finished, Sabrina went to shower and must have forgotten to bring her clothes in there with her.

Stiles kicked the clothes under his bed. "What, uh, why would you be asking that?" Noah shook his head at his son. "Stiles, I've heard you two...this morning," he said uncomfortably. "At first I thought an animal had gotten in, until I heard some human moans mixed in."

Almost instantly, Stiles' face went red. "Oh." Looking back, he guessed that he and Sabrina weren't too concerned with being quiet this morning because they had thought Noah had gone to work already.

"Now, my fatherly instincts are telling me I might have a reason to be worried." Stiles sighed. "Dad, don't worry. Sabrina and I are being safe. I swear." 

"Okay," his dad nodded. "Just be careful." 

"Always," Stiles said before his father left the room. Stiles ran his hand through his hair and turned around as he continued to get his bag ready for school.

Stiles' bedroom door closed and he turned around to see a wet Sabrina, standing in front of him with only a towel on. 

"Your dad knows about us?!" Sabrina asked.

Stiles nervously chuckled. "H-hello, Sabrina. What do you mean?" "Stiles, he knows about us having sex." Stiles crossed his arms. "H-how do you know that he knows about us?" Sabrina pointed to her ears. "Werewolf senses duh. I heard everything you two were talking about while I was in the shower."

"Right. Werewolf senses," Stiles mumbled before letting out a sigh. "Look, my dad is okay with us doing it as long as we're safe." Sabrina sighed. "Alright, now where are my clothes." "Oh," Stiles bent down and grabbed Sabrina's clothes out from under his bed. "Thanks," she said before dropping the towel. Stiles' cheeks turned pink as he handed her the clothes and Sabrina got dressed. 

After she finished, she looked up and smiled at the look on Stiles' face. She kissed his lips but before Stiles could kiss back she pulled away and winked at him before leaving the room. Stiles smiled and shook his head at his girlfriend before grabbing his bag and following after her.

A Werewolf and a Human [2] Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now