Chapter 1: Tattoo

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"Stiles, you are out of your freaking mind." said Sabrina as she sat on his bed, facing him. 

Stiles had told her that he was thinking of getting his hair buzzed again. He had grown his hair out over the summer. Sabrina had told Allison and Lydia that Stiles had grown even hotter. 

"Aren't you getting your hair cut?" asked Stiles as he twirled a strand of her long hair around his finger. Sabrina shook her head. "Nope," she moved closer to him. "Because I know how much you love running your hands through my hair whenever we kiss." Sabrina leaned in and kissed him as just like she said, Stiles was running his hands through her hair.

Sabrina pulled out, leaving Stiles frustrated. "So, do you want me to get my hair cut?" "Uh, no, definitely no." he said as she laughed. "I won't get mine cut if you don't get yours cut as well." "Why don't you want me to get my hair cut?" Stiles was curious. He did have a theory and wanted to see if it was true. 

"I think you've gotten more handsome with longer hair," she whispered as he smirked. His theory was right. "Please don't get it cut." "You're killing me with those eyes," he said as he stared lovingly into her eyes. "Okay, I won't." Sabrina smiled. "Now, let's do this."

Sabrina let out a shriek as he flipped her over onto his bed. Stiles hovered above her and leaned down to he kiss her. He licked her bottom lip and she happily granted him access. Sabrina ran her hands through his hair and tugged on it while Stiles' hands were on her waist. Her shirt had riden up and he moved his hand onto her stomach that was now exposed. She felt chills ride up and smiled into the kiss.

Over the summer, Stiles had gotten more confident each time the two made out and Sabrina loved the fact how Stiles didn't freeze up anymore whenever she made the first move to kiss him. Now...he was the one making the first move for a kiss.

Stiles then moved onto her neck and started trailing kisses down her neck. Sabrina sighed blissfully. Then her phone rang.

"Don't answer that," Stiles breathed out. 

"Oh, I won't," she breathed out as Stiles carried on. 

But to their luck, her phone rang again. Sabrina groaned and reached for it. 

"Hel-hello?" Sabrina stuttered out as Stiles continued on kissing her neck. She thought he would have stopped but he didn't and she was glad he wasn't stopping for any reason.


She rolled her eyes. Scott was the person that was always interrupting her and Stiles whether they were on a date or in a middle of a make-out this one. 

"I need you and Stiles to meet up with me."

"Scott, this is a bad time. Stiles and I are on a date and we would like no interrupt-interruptions." she breathed out as Stiles had bitten her neck and she was now sporting a hickey. "Sabrina, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. This stupid waiter just dropped a fork on my foot." 

"Oh, you're at a restaurant with Stiles?" "Yes-yes, I am." "Great, after you two are finished eating, stop by this address that I'm going to text you now. See you later!" 

Stiles had stopped kissing her neck when she ended the call and hovered above her. "A waiter just dropped a fork on my foot?" he asked with an amusing smile. 

"Did you want me to tell Scott that we were making out and you were giving me hickeys in the process?" Sabrina asked as Stiles dropped the smile and thought over her question.

A Werewolf and a Human [2] Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now