Chapter 31: Orphaned

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Scott had called Derek to come to the school to help get Brett out of the locker room before the police showed up. 

Meanwhile, Stiles and Sabrina were waiting out in the parking lot when they finally spotted Derek moving through the shadows, holding Brett in his arms. 

The two took Derek to the jeep so they could head to the animal clinic. Stiles quickly drove them to the front of the building where Deaton was already waiting by the door as they had called him in route. They carried Brett inside the clinic and placed him on the table. Brett was convulsing rather violently and yellow foam was leaking out through his mouth.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?!" Stiles said as he tried to keep Brett from falling off. "He's been poisoned by a rare form of wolfsbane. I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible."

Stiles leaned on Brett to try and keep him from moving but couldn't hold him down considering. He looked to his right to see his girlfriend putting all of her strength down into her hold and Brett was somewhat held. From her end at least. Brett was still moving more freely from the side that Derek was trying to restrain.

And Stiles noticed. "Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" he sarcastically spat at him. "Yeah, I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength!" he spat back.

"No, you're not. At least Sabrina is actually using her werewolf strength," Stiles spat back. "Guys!" Sabrina yelled making Derek and Stiles look at her. "How about you two stop arguing and actually hold him down?" 

"She's right," Deaton said as held the scalpel over Brett but couldn't move in. "He's just moving too much. If you can't keep him still then the incision could kill him," he warned. To add urgency to his warning, Brett then started to cough and now spit up the wolfsbane foam coating his mouth.

"Sabrina, Derek, he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him," Stiles informed them. Derek grit his teeth and tried to press more of his body weight on Brett but he scratched him with his exposed claw and made him hiss and fall back. With his right hand free he surprised and pushed at Stiles, overwhelming him enough to fall off him and to the floor. Sabrina struggled to keep onto the table but Brett managed to push her to the floor as well.

Deaton hopped back in surprise as Brett climbed off the table and started to sway about, trying to stay on his feet. His eyes then focused on the door and he started to move for it.

By the doorway, Peter started to run in and struck Brett across the face. Brett's body then went limp and fell to the floor. Derek was heaving a little deeply as he had his hand over the scratch that Brett gave him but his eyes were wide and focused on his uncle. His eyes were burning blue as he was staring down at his closed fit. He noticed that Derek was staring at him and blinked his eyes back to normal.

"I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." "Yeah, maybe more than a little," Derek gasped. Peter smirked at him but it fell when he noticed the scratch on Derek's arm. It was still there and then, after a moment, slowly began to heal itself. Derek then quickly moved to keep it from sight.

Stiles and Sabrina were kneeling over Brett. Sabrina's eyes widened. "Deaton, he's not breathing." "Doc, is he okay?" Stiles asked.

Deaton then bent down himself and began to make his incision. After he made it, a big puff of yellow colored smoke began to pour out of him. "I think he'll be fine. But, he'll probably be out for a while."

Stiles then heard something coming from Brett. He was mumbling. "Guys, do you hear that?" he asked them. "He's saying something." Brett was still out and seemed to be just mumbling in his sleep. "Sounds like a chant."

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