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messages between luke ☺️ and
violet 💕

luke ☺️
did you see the e news article about us

violet 💕
yes omg

i swear no one can be just friends anymore

luke ☺️
but we're not just friends right?

violet 💕
oh no of course not

i just meant in general sorry

luke ☺️
oh okay good

because i was wondering if youd want to go out again next weekend

violet 💕
yes omg

luke ☺️
okay great

violet 💕
actually speaking of the article

i know i haven't really talked to you about miles at all and i just wanted you to know that he's been one of my best friends longer than he was ever my boyfriend and we're still super close and so every time we hang out e! is always spreading rumors but none of them are true

luke ☺️

you know you didn't have to tell me that right?

violet 💕
oh yeah i know but i freaked out over arzaylea before i let you explain so i figured i should do so before something happens

which i'm still sorry about btw

luke ☺️
i told you it's okay vi

plus i got a date from you out of it so

violet 💕
well technically you're getting more than one

luke ☺️
yes and hopefully more than two

violet 💕
hm let's just see how the second date goes

luke ☺️
oh? is that a challenge

violet 💕
idk i don't think you're up for it

luke ☺️
i'll prove you wrong

i'm gonna date the shit out of you

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