Finding Ben Gates

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I watched as the train went by waiting for the train going to DC I heaved my bag on my shoulder when Sarah brought me back to reality

"Alex are you still there?"

I adjusted my phone to my ear

"Yeah I got distracted, ok let's go over this again if anyone asks for me at school just say I got sick and won't be back for a couple of days"

"Got it.. anything else," Sarah asked

"Oh yeah if my mother asked I'm spending the rest of the week with you and won't be back until Monday, and if she calls to play the recordings I sent you... And thanks Sarah for everything"

" your welcome I know how important finding your birth father is"

"Thanks, Sarah I think my train is coming up I'll see you later and I'll call you... Wish my luck"

"Good luck Alex"

"Bye Sarah"


I shut my phone off and stuffed it in my bag. The train pulled up while an intercom went off saying that that was the train going to DC I loaded the train and went near the back of the car by a window for the 4-hour ride.

4 hours later

I awoke to the intercom announcing the next stop and someone plopping down in the seat next to me I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking out the window I could see DC I dug in my bag and got out a bag of almonds snacking on them till the next stop. On my stop, I got out and onto the street looking for a taxi I looked at my watch it was 3:30 after 5 minutes I finally found a taxi that would take me I hopped in and told the driver to take me to 1100 Pennsylvania AVE the taxi ride took an hour. Eventually, the taxi pulled up to an apartment building

"here you go, kid 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue that will be 30 dollars"

"Um, thanks... uh here you go" I passed the driver the money and I got out I walked up to the door and walked in I took out a paper and looked at it Apartment 15 (IDK if that's real I just did a random number )   I went up the stairs feeling like my stomach went on a loop de loop on a roller coaster I made it to the end of the hall to number 15 I took a deep breath "come on Alex you can do this just knock on the door and tell him the truth.. you can do this you can do this............ wow good job your talking to yourself in an empty hallway nice going" I reached towards the door I took a deep breath "here we go" I whispered and knocked on the door I stepped back and waited. I heard some rustling inside and a lock unlock and a man popped his head out of the door
just tell him I ran through my mind " excuse me are you, Bemjerman Gates?"

"Sorry kid I'm not buying anything" starting closing the door

"Wait" I shoved my foot in the door

"I'm Alexandra Gates....... I'm your daughter"

"ok kid I don't know if this a joke or something but I don't have a daughter" he started to close the door but I stopped the door

"If you don't believe me, I have proof" I got in my backpack and pulled out a folder and passed it to him. He took the folder and opened it "there's my birth certificate and paternity test results that should be all of the proof to prove that you're my biological father" I stated

"how do I know you didn't forge these" he questioned

I huffed and took off a locket from under my shirt and opened it and showed him "this isn't you?" he took the locket and brought it up to his face and looked at he gave me back the locket and I put it back on

"give me a minute" he went into his apartment I peaked inside to him reaching for the phone

"Wait are you going to call my mom" I questioned

"yes she should know what you are doing"

"You can't do that she doesn't know I'm here" I picked up the papers and put the folder back in my backpack.
He put the phone down

"Then what do you expect me to do babysit you I got plans tonight"

"Look I don't need to be babysat I'm 18" I stated "I am capable of taking care of myself" I looked over at the table were piles of plastic and metal poles and piles of books and papers stacked messily I went over to the table and looked at the books that were open they were about the declaration of independence security system and encasement and copies of old letters were spread out "what is this?" he rushed over a tried to pick stuff up "uhh a experiment"

"Then why do you need to know about the security system for the declaration of independence?
He stalled for a couple of seconds

"If I tell you, you promise not to freak out" his hands were up like he was confessing to something

I rolled my eyes "I promise"

"I'm going to steal the Declaration of Independence... tonight"

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