Is there a Paul and Grace Brown on that list?

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we started out back into the party and out but we almost ran into Dr.Chase we turned direction and went into the gift shop. 

we stayed for a second as she went by as soon as we could we head'ed out then for a second my heart skipped a beat  

"are you going to steal that?" a lady said 

for a second Ben looked like a deer in headlights before he looked in his blazer pocket 

"oh uh" I nudged his arm and showed him the 'life-size' Declarations 

"it's 35$" 

"sorry miss we're in a rush my mother just called us" I stepped in 

Ben took out the declaration 

"for this?" 


"that's a lot" he questioned 

"hey I don't make the prices" the clerk put her hands up in defense 

Ben took out his wallet and pulled out some money and laid it out 

"I have 32$" 

I reached into my pockets and pulled out a couple of loose change  and showed him 

" we take visa" 


we quickly got out of there heading down a stairwell and out in the fresh cold air 

"where are you" 

"stop talking... start the van," he told Riley 

walking across the street to the van I had a feeling and looked back 

and there was Dr.Chase 

"uh, Ben the... mean deceleration lady is behind you" 

we got to the van opening the back I jumped inside and sat down in a single seat 

"Hey"  I heard from outside the van 

I stood up and peaked my head out of the van 

"oh it's you hello," Ben said nervously 

"Mr.Brown whats going on?..whats that?"

"a souvenir" 


come on come on Ben  

"stop chatting and get in the van"   

"did you enjoy the party?" 


and out of nowhere sirens started ringing from the National Archives 

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