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"Why do I need to change?" I asked 

"Tonight there is a gala at the national archives and that's when we are going to steal it"

ben rushed me out in the hallway and before he shut the door he whispered "meet us on the front steps in two hours" and he shut the door  I walked down the hall and down the stairs and out the front door. I started walking till I found a taxi and asked him if he could take me to DuPont circle. I rested in the back seat taking a breath I heard my phone buzz in my backpack so I dug it out and flipped it open. It was a text message from Sarah  

we're good  


I sat in the taxi in silent for the 12-minute ride until he pulled over I paid the guy thanking him for the ride. In front of me was the giant fountain that was in the center of the circle where people were sitting tossing coins in the fountain and feeding the pigeons and walking by. I looked left and right and finally decided to go left to find some stores. I finally found a store that looked like it had some good 'gala' material clothes. I walked in the bell twinkling behind me 

"good morning, if there's anything you need help with you, can just ask dear,"  the store clerk  chimed I went through the racks trying to find something appropriate I went towards the back of the  and I found something I pulled it off the rack  and went to the clerk 

"excuse me can I try this on?" I asked 

"of course" she pulled out a set of keys out of her pocket and pushed her glasses up her nose. She went to one of the fitting rooms and unlocked it I went in and tried it on. I looked in the mirror looking at every curve it needed something else. I went out looking for a blazer of some kind I found one and tried it one it fit perfect I took it with me and went back to the dressing room to change back into my clothes I put them back on their hangers and went out Looking at my feet and sighed " I'm going to need shoes" I again looked around the store until I found a pair that fit perfectly. I checked out taking my bags walking  out onto the streets I checked my watch I had an hour left I walked down the street past people going on their day I slipped into a public restroom and into the big stall I took off my jacket and hung it up I took out the black velvet jumpsuit I stuffed my clothed into my backpack and slipped into the jumpsuit I threw on the cape blazer and took out the black heeled sandals, putting my shoes in the box I went out of the stall tossing the bags I took out a small bag of makeup I put on some black mascara and a marron-red lipstick I tossed my hair in a sleek bun. I put everything away and picked up the box and went out to head back to Ben's apartment. 

{40 minutes later}  

 I sat on the front stoop waiting for been and Railey taping my foot it was starting to get dark and the outside lights were on.  finally after what felt like forever Ben and Riley came out I stood up

"Woah" Riley gawked

"What?"  I looked down at my outfit and then back at him "just get in the van, before I change my mind"

 Ben broke the awkwardness and tossed me a janitor coveralls and a tool belt with a baseball cap and a badge was clipped onto the belt  

"here put theses on in the van" we went around the corner to Riley's van I tossed my backpack and shoes in the back and jumped in the coveralls over my  jumpsuit and blazer and buckled the tool belt around my waist moving the badge to the pocket. I sat int he back of the van with all of Riley's computer junk trying not to bump into anything. Once as the national archives building was in sight I took a deep breath I was going to help steal the Declaration of Independence well that's going to look good on college applications... if I ever get to college 

"ok whats the plan" I asked 

"the plan is for you to stay with me and not go out of my sight"

"and ill just stay here in the van and act normal" Riley added 

I opened the side door and jumped out and fixed the hat on my head and we quickly went across the street and into the side entrance and into the national archives.   

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