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' 마음이 잠겨 있고 열쇠가 망각에 던져졌습니다.'

'My heart is locked and the key has been thrown into oblivion.'


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As I head to school, I meet my friends Lay, Suho and Kyungsoo. I've known them for years. When we were awarded our lightsabers, we were right next to each other. I guess you could say we've formed a brotherly bond.

I notice the fluffy haired Suho and run towards him, watching as his droid, B1-76 spins around his feet, taunting him. I'm not sure why he even owns a droid when he hates them. He has a cryptic fear towards them, and even goes as far as refusing to talk to the poor thing, meaning it trails behind us for most of the day.

"Chanyeol, your collar is out, and your robes are tucked into your boots." He once again tuts, brushing the invisible dust off of his pristine self, turning his nose up at my untouched hair. These things just don't bother me.

I quickly fix my brown robes, waving when I see Kyungsoo enter with Lay, who already has his nose in an ancient book on how to control the force. He really doesn't need it though, back in those days before we could control it, he was far ahead of everyone else. Luckily I had a good teacher and so she helped me since I was falling behind. My control is still crusty. I guess you could say I can't stay focused. I mean, who sits in silence every day for an hour? For me that's impossible.

"Kyungsoo, stop glaring at people. We already have no friends, that isn't going to help." Suho says and once again I scoff. He really has to point out every flaw? At first I could bare it, but now it's annoying and the worst part, he's always right.

"We'll be out of this place soon anyway! What's the point of friends. Weren't we enough?" Lay finally puts his book away, and I realise it was on the perfect hand gestures to grip the force. Pinkie upwards and all of that fancy stuff. I didn't really pay attention. I was more interested in the lightsaber lessons, the only thing I'm good at, no matter how clumsy.

B1-76 spins around, creating a few of his silly noises before intentionally bumping into Suho's foot, causing him to growl. He's only a recent type of droid, straight after the BB kind. He's cute and weirdly chubby and I love him. Suho just sees him as a scrap of metal, which I find very offensive. He's just a squishy ball of sass.

"Come on guys, don't wanna be late for class." Kyungsoo says, leading us into the hallway. Lay parts with us after about five minutes, choosing to go to the annual 'space craft part auction', in other words where they sell scrap metal from failed ships to interested students. Lay is one of those people.

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