03; we're not alone.

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So after much editing, this chapter is super long... am I sorry? Maybe, but it had to be done.

1. Pilot [Part 3]

As everyone dispersed after the "almost" fight, Quinn sat in observation on the edge of the rooftop. She had watched as each made their own way out of the area, first seeing Finn walk off towards a group nearby and started conversing with them; to where Octavia stood with her brother.

Something wasn't right here. Quinn knew that. He didn't have a wristband like how Clarke had pointed out, and he is wearing a guard's uniform. She watched him cross his arms in front of his chest, his face in a serious expression - his whole stature stood out as it looked like he was reprimanding his sister.

A curse sounded from below her, and looking down at the ramp she watched Clarke helping Wells over to the ramp, so that he could sit down without putting pressure to his leg. Clarke then crouched down gripping onto Wells' leg, and started to rotate his ankle. Her eyes narrowed, before her movement stop as Wells let out a noise, and his face screwed up from the pain.

Quinn took that as her cue, as she gripped the edge of the roof, and slowly slid her legs down - her body slipping past the edge until her arms were bent, her feet only 3 feet away from the ramp. She pushed up on her hands before she jumped letting go of the edge, and landing gracefully in a crouched position onto the ramp.

A soft thud coming from the bottom of her shoes; her hands barely touching it as either one was on the outside of one leg and the inner of another. She raised her head slightly before slowly standing up.

Her appearance wasn't made known to the two on the ramp, until her shadow was covering a part of Clarke, who turned glancing to find the brown haired girl sitting near them on the ramp. Her eyes narrowed a little in suspicion before she returned back to Wells ankle before her.

Not looking over at the two in front of her, Quinn stretched out her legs in front of her, with her bag next to her. Her eyes glanced from her black combat boots to reach where Wells was sitting with his eyes scrunched up in pain, and Clarke standing in front of him checking through a bag for something to help him.

It's not like she was judging them or anything - hell, she was, but the fact in the matter was how ironic their situation was to hers. For instance, they are two of the most privileged ones here, and funny thing is they were also two of the most unfortunate ones to be forced down here. For Quinn, her situation was ironic because she was overdue for being floated, and instead of that, she was sent down with a bunch of 16 year olds for a fun trip to see if Earth was survivable.

Looking at the two before her, she only had one question come to mind. Why were they here? She knew Clarke was known as the "traitor", but Wells? She glanced between the two, a soft chuckle coming out of her. She shook her head amused at the predicament of the chancellor's son. He was on the unfortunately side of the stick, instead of being on the Ark with his father he was stuck here on Earth with a bunch of criminals and murderers, including herself. But, she was just naturally crazy, right?

Another unfortunate outcome of him being here? Not many like the Chancellor, so his luck has run out on him as soon as Murphy pulled a switch on him.

Her arms were behind her holding her up, before she leaned forward looking at his ankle. Her face screwed up, cringing at the sight of his swollen, almost purpled ankle. All of doing so before she looked up at him, her eyes glancing between him and Clarke.

She quirked her brow asking no one in particularly, "So why would the Chancellor send his own son down here?"

The silence was broken, and Wells flinched at the voice who asked, and looking over his eyes almost widened as he took in the familiar face - well, based on the files on his father's tablet, he knew who she was. His shoulders straightened up, and his whole body tensed.

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