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The very next day
Vernon was walking back from the cafeteria after grabbing something light. The deadlines for his project was nearing that means he had to spend all his time and effort on it. Unlike others, he aims to be the best, therefore no last minute efforts, only consistent work. This means that the library would his second home too.

"There he is..." someone whispers, as they approach towards Vernon trying to grab him by his arms. Vernon dodged their attacks and tried to run away from their grips. Unfortunately he didn't noticed another guy crept from his behind and tackled him unconscious.

Vernon fell into the arms of the attacker. That attacker then scolded the other two "What the fuck are you guys doing? Don't ever go outside telling others that I'm the one who taught you how to combat!"

The two then bowed their heads and apologies sincerely "Sorry Jun Hyung! We'll do better!"
"Yah, yah, yah! Go wake him up!" A male shouted across the store room.

A pail of water was then splash on Vernon who was tied onto the chair, waking him up in an instant. He coughed harshly as he choked on some water, before he slowly lifted up his head to comprehend the situation in front of him.

"Well.. hello Mr Vernon Chwe, what brings you here?" A guy in black dress shirt with first Two buttons unbuttoned spoke sarcastically.

"I don't know man, you're the one who brought me here Seungcheol." Vernon replied nonchalantly.

"Ooh spicy, I like that. Let's see whether you still can be so relaxed after this." Seungcheol chuckled, as he whistled to his boys.

"Let me go!!" A familiar high-pitched voice was heard, without looking Vernon know it's him.

Oh shit, it's Seungkwan.

"What the fuck do you want Choi Seungcheol." Vernon asked with obvious fury in his eyes.

"Now that's more like it. Boys bring him over!" Seungcheol shouted with a smirk on his face.

"Let me go!!" Seungkwan cried as he was dragged across the room, and was made to kneel down beside seungcheol's chair.

"So you actually like this faggot?" Seungcheol said as his grab Seungkwan's hair harshly, causing him to winced at the pain.

"CHOI SEUNGCHEOL ENOUGH, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Vernon screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping and praying to god that seungcheol would stop hurting Seungkwan.

Vernon tries to launch himself forward to Attack seungcheol, but Seung cheol's underlinings were quick enough to grab him back down. Throwing a few kicks on his abdomen, and a few punches on his face.

"Enough! I don't want him dead yet."Seungcheol commanded his people to stop.

"Jun I think you did a good job getting the right person for me! Dinners' on me!" Seungcheol continued as he tugged Seungkwan's hair mercilessly.

"CHOI SEUNG CHEOL I SWEA-" The male who Vernon presumed he was called Jun gave him an uppercut, strong enough to cause damage to his jaw. Vernon was damn right sure that he would get his Jaw broken if Jun gives him another full strength upper cut.

"Oh golly, Vernon stop swearing. It's not good for you okay? I just want to have some fun with your little Friend here, like how you had fun with my little Brother" Seungcheol gave Vernon a disgusting smile as he slowly pulled Seungkwan's face closer to his.

Seungkwan winced at the ruthless pull, causing Vernon's heart to ache at that very moment.

"What on earth did I even do? I didn't even know you had a Brother, how the hell would I mess with your Brother?!" Vernon felt really wronged, he had no idea why he was here, no idea why he was forced to watch his Seungkwan being tortured like this.

"What did you do? WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO?" Seungcheol yelled. It seemed like Vernon triggered Seungcheol, like Vernon had accidentally sprinkled some salt on his bleeding wound. Seungcheol then charged towards Vernon gave him a full strength kick on his lower abdomen, causing the chair and him to fall backwards.


"But I-"

"YOU FUCKING REJECTED HIM! YOU SAID YOU'RE GONNA GO STUDYING WITH HIM, GONNA HANG OUT WITH HIM! BUT WHEN THAT FAGGOT CALLED YOU WENT STRAIGHT FOR HIM WITHOUT SECOND THOUGHT! You were so god damn nice to him at first, but when he confessed you rejected, and you started ignoring him... HE GOT DEPRESSED AND SUICIDED!" Seungcheol screamed as tears flowed down his cheeks. Even though he wasn't born with the same parents as Chan, but he was really thankful that Chan wanted Seungcheol as a Brother for his 5th birthday present. Now that he's gone, seungcheol not only lost a Brother, but also a sense of direction and meaning of life.

He then took out a portable dagger from his right pocket and walked towards Vernon who was still tied to the chair and lying flat on the ground. "Today, you shall pay for my brother's death."

"HANSOL!" Seungkwan screamed as he tries to dash forward and stop seungcheol with his tied arms and legs. However, he was then easily carried away by seungcheol's underlinings.

"Good bye Chwe Vernon..." Seungcheol raised his dagger and aimed straight for his heart.

Hope y'all enjoyed~ thanks for reading 😚 Stay tuned for more cliff-hangers 😆

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