Please don't die.

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"The police are here!" Someone shouted.

Everyone froze and Jun shouted "RUN!" Then they scattered, leaving Seungkwan and Vernon tied to the chair with Seungcheol on him.

"Vernon Chwe, I'll be back again!" Seungcheol whispered to Vernon as he gave him one last punch and back away from Vernon.

"You're coming with me." Seungcheol said while he grabbed Seungkwan and dragged him away.  Seungkwan tried to struggled out of his grip, but he was way to strong for him to fight back.

"Hansol!" Seungkwan cried hoping that somehow Vernon could get him away.

"Seung...Kwan...." Vernon coughed out some blood whilst struggling to sit up from his position. Then heard footsteps nearing him, a warm hand reached out to him.

"Get up Vernon, we need to get out of here real quick..." it was Seokmin, he came and helped.

"Seokmin...? How did you know...?"

"I was trying to find where Seungkwan was and through the GPS on his phone, he's here..." Seokmin replied as he tried to untie Vernon from his chair.

"GPS..? You're tracking Seungkwan...?" Vernon questioned.

"It's for his safety purposes okay?" Seokmin knew what Vernon was implying and gave him a reassuring answer.

"Oh shit man, we have to run after Seungkwan, Seungcheol's got him." Vernon then recalled that Seungkwan is still not out of danger.

"Let's split up and find them then" Seokmin suggested as he helped Vernon to stand up.

"Okay, stay in contact." Vernon replied and ran towards the direction where he believed seungcheol have escaped from.


Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die.

Vernon chanted that in his mind, hoping and praying to all gods that he have ever known. He would exchange all of his birthday and Christmas wishes just for Seungkwan to be alive.

Fucking hell Seungcheol, you better not touch Seungkwan, or else I want you dead.

Vernon cursed, he didn't know why, he didn't know how. He just know he did, he just want Seungcheol dead somehow. Vernon kept running through alleys, he ran into some homeless youngsters asking for money on his way but gave them his foot instead of some food.

Vernon came by a random alley on the other side it was an dead end, but he could see some freshly dripped blood on the floor, he touches the floor to double check that it wasn't a illusion. The blood stained his index finger, he rubs it against his thumb to get a feel of the blood.

This better not be Seungkwan's.

He then found a few more spots along the way, which creates a trail for him to follow. The trails of blood brought him to a door, where another small puddle of blood could be seen on the floor. He pushes the door, and steps inside the eerie area, the creaking of the wormed out door gave creeps to Vernon's back.

The door opened to a flight of stairs where the trail of blood could be seen again. Obediently, he followed the trail with both his hands in a fist and up to his chest level. The stairs led him to the rooftop of a really small building.

What stood in front of him was an unfamiliar silhouette, he slowly walk towards it.

"Stop, if not I'll put this dagger through his throat." Seungcheol sounded while pulling the dagger closer to Seungkwan's neck.

He tries to reach out to Seungkwan, Seungcheol then draws his dagger closer to Seungkwan's neck and deep enough to draw some blood. Seungkwan then whimpers "Hansol...."

"Okay, okay, calm the fuck down. Don't touch him, and I won't do shit okay?" Vernon raised his hands above his head to show that he surrenders.

"What do you really want from me?" Vernon questioned while trying to comfort and assure Seungkwan with his gaze.

"Jump off the building, and you can have him alive." Seungcheol said truthfully.

"No Hansol! Don't do it!!" Seungkwan shouted with attempt to run towards Hansol, but Seungcheol's dagger was threatening his life so he ended up back in His grip.

"How can I trust you?" Vernon raised his eyebrow trying to fight back Seungcheol's deal.

Seungcheol didn't voice out anything, but just took the dagger and did a small cut on Seungkwan's left arm.

"AH!" Seungkwan screamed in pain, and Vernon gives up, he ran over to the nearest edge of the building.

"Okay, okay, I'll jump, but you really have to let him off, bring him to the hospital to treat his injures please...." he begged as he try to lean his body forward.

Another cliff-hanger LEL😂
Stay tuned for more shits,
Regards, your loving author :')

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