Two Plans. Two Goals. : Fakes

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Gavins Point of View

Well fuck my ass. Okay, okay. It's gonna be okay. Just wait for Geoff to start explaining his plan and the fear will subside... bollocks no it won't.

"Now, for those just joining us here's the jist. We are trying to recruit The Vagabond, the only way we can do it is for The Cock Bites to put a price on Gavin's head and have him go after our Golden Boy. Top priority is safety over getting the Vagabond. Got it?" Geoff said in a quick burst, he seemed kind excited. Gavin looked around and saw a mix of emotions on everyone's faces as Geoff continued.

"I have a general plan or idea of what to do," He held up a smaller folder to the entire group, "but as you know I need my whole crew's help to work out an entire plan. My ideas so far are pretty simple to follow." He hands a paper to each one of us, Gavin started to skim mine as he starts explaining, "Of course, we will need Golden Fuck over here to screw around with The Cock Bites, ya know, blow up a few transports, hack into their accounts, fuck up a few heists. We need to make it look like you are completely pissing them off with your antics. Which shouldn't be hard considering he's done it enough times." He turns his gaze pointedly at Gavin, slight annoyance and playful accusation in his stare.

"Alright, look here, I was just havin' a laugh when I shot those fireworks at the truck. I had no idea that the truck would explode or that the truck had over a million bucks alright." I could hear how defensive I sounded, but hey you know what it's true. I was just having fun. At least Geoff was there after he hear the explosion and paid them back for what they lost...Okay maybe I shouldn't have done that.

Geoff just rolled his eyes at Gavin, "Well, Gav, I'm gonna need you to do that again, and again and maybe like four other annoying tasks that could warrant a hit on you. This way the Vagabond just thinks that they're annoyed of your shit, and take the hit for like...what? You think he'll take about 6 Mil. for Gavin alive?" Gavin had felt a weird warmth in his chest. He thought I was worth 6 Million dollars. Aww, I was sure he would only go to one million.

Gain gave him a warm smile and he started to snicker because, never the less, he was putting a price on his head and all Gavin did was smile happily at him... Fuck it, I'm still god damn flattered.

"Geoffrey?" A random thought entered Gavin's mind.

Should I really ask though? I mean I already called for him I suppose, and hey it's important to me... I wonder if it'll get me trouble? I mean this is a serious discussion. Though I should be able to ask whatever the bloody hell I want to ask since my heads on the line. I wonder how much someone would pay for my head on a literal line. Like would someone pay for a Golden boy head necklace thing or-

Though Gavin's train of thought was interrupted by Geoff giving a few large and over dramatic coughs to catch attention back back to him. Gavin quirked his left eyebrow in question to see what he wants.

He gives an exasperated look, "Don't give me that look, you called my name, the fuck do you want?"

Oh yea I forgot, "Haha sorry, I got lost thinking about how much someone would pay for a necklace of my head. Anyways, how much do I get to spend on blowing up The Cock Bites shit?" There were burst of laughter from around the table, Michaels was the loudest. "Wot? It's a legitimate question." Everyone except Gavin, Geoff and Jack were losing their shit.

Jack put a hand up to Geoff before he could either make an annoyed retort or answer the question. "Wait, how the fuck did spending money on blowing shit up turn into head necklaces?" Well...

"I mean it's not that odd, we talked about how much I was worth and price of my head."

"OKAY! Back onto the fucking topic at hand. Gavin. You will have one, all the explosives we have available in the building so use those first. Two, $5,000 spending cash for whatever extra trouble you want to cause. Finally, number three, you have Michael to cause havoc with."

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