c h a p t e r f o u r

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Celeste wasn't there when I got home. She's probably off with some bar with some guy, I thought to myself. She's been
doing that a lot lately. She even tried to get me to go with her once, but it didn't feel right, not yet. So Celeste shrugged it
off and said, "your loss." I had probably taken a full hour if not more to walk home. I didn't mind though, even with my
walk home it was only around eight. My stroll through Paris turned out to be exactly what I needed, I let myself think
about my life and about Maxon, and it was nice to clear my head. However, now that I'm home, I'm pretty much caught
in this awkward time in which I'm completely exhausted, but too anxious and excited to sleep. So, I found myself
a book and read until my eyelids became heavy with a deep, dark, dreamless sleep.
I awoke early the next morning feeling somehow hungover from alcohol I never drank. I tumbled out of bed and crashed
to the floor. I slowly walked to my bathroom and then,
"You're finally awake," Celeste crowed.
"Morning," I thoughtlessly replied.
Celeste rolled her eyes jokingly and finished pouring herself a cup of steaming coffee. She wore matching dark reddish
pink silk pajamas and her hair was expertly thrown into a messy topknot. She asked me if I knew Maxon was staying at
the palace and I lied that I had heard from the servants, but hadn't actually seen him.
I threw on a white dress that fell just at my knee and made my eyes and hair look even brighter, and a pair matching
heels that laced up to my calves. I added just a bit of makeup as well, some mascara and concealer and hint of blush. I
looked pretty, and I felt good, if not nervous. I played and tugged and pulled at my
hair for a while, only to decide to keep it down and loose. I turned and  looked at the clock only to find I still had an
hour before I met Maxon. I waited and waited for what seemed like hours, bored out of my mind. Finally, I had fifteen
minutes before I met him and so I began my short trek to the French Palace. I wasn't sure if I was permitted to be in
the garden, after all I was kicked out once, but I had come many times before that, just to think or breath. I didn't care
though. Not right now. I strolled through the gates, trying to seem confident after I ran out last night. I made it past the
front gate and eventually to the entrance of the gardens. Now, I kept my head down and tried my best to be seen as
inconspicuous. Nobody stopped me. Good. I thought. I eventually wandered  my way to the magnolia tree where I was
supposed to meet Maxon. At first I thought he hadn't shown up. But as I drew closer I saw his silhouette near the tree.
I froze when I first saw it, but I quickly gained back my pace and came closer. Maxon stepped forward and I could
see him now. He was taller than I remembered, and he had dark circles looming below his eyes. He looked at me.
Like really looked at me. Almost so much so that I thought he was looking through me. He parted his lips, but
no sound came out. He just sat there staring at me, and I stared back. And after an eternity of staring he whispered,
and I smiled- no I grinned from ear to ear, with an overwhelming happiness, just from seeing him.
In less than an a second I was in his arms. His lips were on mine and the world froze, it just halted.
Everything was beautiful and made unquestionable sense because he was here and I loved him.
My body fit his perfectly as we stood there holding each other, it just felt right. I didn't let go, I was too afraid to let go, I
was afraid that if I did let go, he'd be gone again and so I didn't let go. Our kiss broke and he moved his lips to my ear and whispered,
"I love you, my darling." 
And then I was crying. Wait I'm crying? I didn't know if my tears were joy or uncertainty,
I wasn't even completely sure I was crying. Maxon pushed me back slightly and looked my eyes.
He reached his hand to my face and wiped them away.
That moment was the single most pure, beautiful moment I had ever felt, but it was ruined by a loud crow with a
hideous song, that crow was named Kriss and that crow ruined my fairytale.
"Maxon, my dear, wherever are you? Come inside please," it called.
Maxon took a step back and said, "I have to go, I love you America,"
I snapped myself back to reality, "No Maxon."
"I can't do this. It's me or Kriss. This isn't the selection, you can't have us both."
"America," he said softly, "I love you, I will choose you, I just need time to work this all out."
I sighed and murmured an agreement to him as he sauntered away.
How could I have let him get away again, how could I be that stupid. I'm nothing more than a distraction to Maxon, he's
with Kriss and they're going to get married and start a charming family with kind eyes and pure souls, and I was going
to watch and regret. I had to get out of here.

Author's Note: don't worry guys I'm a hardcore Maxerica shipper so they will find happiness together, a new chapter tomorrow! Also idk wtf that crow analogy is so just ignore that. I'm kind of having a bit of a writers block, so be patient with me....with love, Frankie (:

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