I Have Nowhere To Begin

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Lexxies POV

This could go horribly or this could be one of the best days of my life, There is no in-between. My bones shook and my heart pounded. I gathered myself together and walked out the front door, slowly making my way to the park. Butterflies were tearing holes in my stomach

I saw his tall figure from a distance, oh how I wanted to turn, to run, to escape my thoughts and escape the future, but my legs kept moving. There was no turning back now.  I was mere metres away. The autumn breeze hummed and the leaves crunched beneath my feet.

“Hey” I said in a low voice unsure of my placing.

“Lexxie” Oliver spun around and grinned that big grin that I loved. He embraced me and in that moment I knew this was right. 

“I have so much I want to tell you, and nowhere to begin.” He whispered softly into my ear.

“Begin here, begin now” I whispered back. My cheeks were flushing.

“If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that at this point in my life I don’t know very many things but I can promise you this; you are loved, completely. I don’t know who I am yet, hell who does? But I want to give us a shot. You’ve brightened up my life since I moved in and well I want you in my life”

“I…. I don’t know what to say Oliver” I stuttered. How could this be happening?

“Say yes” Oliver smiled.

“Yes” I said as I reached up to kiss his cheek.

We spent the day together, and the night apart. We texted all night until dusk turned to dawn, the birds started chirping and owls went to sleep for a better part of the day. Another two hours and I’ll have to be at school. Swell. Doing the simplest morning tasks seemed to be challenge enough, let alone go to a school and seeing a bunch of people I dispise and learn little to nothing. I wore all black today to mourn the death of my motivation.  

First period was music with Miss. Hershel, I guess it couldn’t be too bad.

“Hello class today I have something very special for you all” Miss.Hershel said between coughs. I saw the anticipation rise on my classmates faces, as on my own. This doesn’t happen often.             

“We have brought a band to come talk to you all” 

“Who is it?” One of the obnoxious jocks yelled.

“Please welcome Hand Of Mercy” Miss. Hershel clapped. 

5 astonishing men walked through the entrance to the classroom, all with big bright smiles on their faces, this was going to be a fun lesson for sure. 


Hey guys! I'm back. This was just a short little chapter for now but there is more to come! For anyone that dosen't know Hand Of Mercy go check them out on youtube there a amazing aussie band. 

This is a link to my favourite song by them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AasslVOH0co

Thanks for reading guys, make sure to vote, comment and follow for more! xx 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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