Chapter 14 - Knights vs Demons [2]

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Yay!! chapter 14 is done. I hope you will like it. I'm so sorry for not updating soon, I hope you forgive me. But please, be sure to leave your comment below and please vote for my story. Thank you!


Virgo hissed as Scorpio was able to graze her porcelain skin. Virgo looked at Scorpio with rage burning in her eyes and strike her sword at Scorpio.

"What? Did I make you angry?" taunted Scorpio as he dodge Virgo's sword.

Scorpio caught her sword and punch her abdomen, stopping her breathing for a short while. "Tch! Pathetic."

As Virgo was still struggling to catch some breathe, Scorpio made his way towards Krono. "Now to end you." Scorpio said as he conjure up some of his magic, blasting them towards Krono.

Before Scorpio's blast can harm Krono, he was shove out of the way by Virgo and was the one who got hit by the blast instead.

"My, my!" Scorpio grinned as he saw Virgo in pain.

Virgo struggle in standing up and gave a small grunt of pain. "You're a fighter, aren't you? I like it! I can't wait to see you break." Scorpio laughed as he ready himself for Virgo's attacks.

"You're not giving up, are you!" Aquarius stated looking at the struggling blue haired boy before her.


"You have a strong determination which is good but it can also lead to your downfall." Aquarius said.

"Try me! I won't lose to someone like you." Leo exclaimed, determination and burning rage shining in his blue eyes.

"Oh well! Let's see about that." Aquarius grinned and summon her ice powers, blasting them to towards the already injured Leo.

Leo manage to dodge the blast. "We will never lose against you all. Good will always prevail against evil." Leo stated as he run towards Aquarius with a surprising lightning speed and manage to hit her.


"You're being more annoying than usual!" Aries exclaimed.

"Really? How so?" Pisces manage to teased trying to ease the pain she felt from Aries' previous attacks.

"Tch! Just stop being annoying and let me finish you already!" Aries shouted as she send another big fire blast towards Pisces, who almost got burned.

"Phew! That was close." Pisces mumbled under her breath. "Sorry! No can do. I'm not going to let you kill me." Pisces exclaimed and perfectly hit Aries when she aimed the sword at her.

"So what were you saying?" Sagittarius grinned at Taurus who was covered in bruises and cuts.

"YOU BASTARD!!" Taurus raged aiming his sword at Sagittarius but the blonde haired demon general easily dodge it.

"Is that the best you can do?" Sagittarius mocked while another emotion of rage bubble up inside Taurus. Sagittarius grinned and summon as many swords, aiming them towards the enrage brown haired knight.

Sagittarius' grin grew as Taurus shout in pain. "That's right! I want to hear you scream more." He exclaimed sadistically, looking at the brown haired knight covered in bruises and cuts.

Taurus tries to stand up but was having a hard time doing so due to the hit he got from Sagittarius' attack. "You're not going to give up, I see." Sagittarius said. He raised his hand as another weapons were summon, pointing at Taurus. With a loud yell, he flung his hand as the weapons were also sent towards the already beaten up knight.

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