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"How could he do this to me?" Jenna laid on the couch, her head laying on Jamia's chest as she cried. "I-I thought he loved me!" Jamia ran her fingers through her hair, sighing.

"Boys are the worst.." Lindsey said softly. "We'll get back at him, I promise."

Just then the door opened and they heard Josh and Tyler laughing.
"But seriously Josh, do you think Jenna will like it?"

"Of course she'll like it! You've only spent forever trying to get it, Ty. She'll love it." Josh replied, they walked into theliving room, Tyler frowning.

"What's wrong Jen? What happened?" He asked, his voice laced with worry. Josh looked equally worried.

"Are you okay?"

Jenna got up wiping her eyes, with a whimper. "A-am I okay!? No I am not okay!" She yelled at him. Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, looking just as upset.

"I didn't even do anything!" He retorted, setting the bag he was holding down.

"You didn't do anything!? You're cheating on me with your best friend!" Tyler fell silent at this, his fists clenching. He turned around and left the house looking upset and sad all together.

Josh picked up the bag and pushed it towards Jenna with a frown. "You didn't even let him explain!"

"What is there to explain? You're at fault too! I trusted you!"

"You don't understand Jenna! There's more to this and you won't even listen! He still loves you!" Josh went out after Tyler, looking equally upset.

"Don't listen to them.." Lindsey hugged her, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, Jen.."

Tyler was sitting on the couch when Josh walked in. "Ty.." Josh said softly, sitting down next to him and hugging him.

"She's gonna hate us.. I told you she'd hate us Josh!" Tyler sobbed, burying his face in the crook of Josh's neck. He sighed softly, rubbing his boyfriend's back.

"It'll be okay, Ty.. Don't worry about that right now. I'll take care of it, okay?" Tyler nodded weakly, "I've got you.." Josh murmured, kissing his forehead. They laid on the couch for hours, Josh holding Tyler while he cried his eyes out. Josh felt bad, but only for a little while. Jenna was stubborn and she didn't understand or know everything. So he'd have to make her understand.

The next day, Tyler was clingy. Extremely clingy. He didn't want to leave Josh's side at all. He wouldn't even talk, just whine and motion towards whatever he wanted. They walked to school, Josh's arm wrapped around him firmly, tugging him away so he wouldn't see Jenna hanging out with Frank and Gerard.

"Come on, Ty.. You gotta let go, just for this one class." Josh said prying Tyler's fingers off of his arm. Tyler whined loudly, reaching for him. "Tyler, no!" Josh slapped his hand lightly. "Now, go. I'll pick you up after, okay?" He kissed the boy gently.

Tyler gave in and went into the classroom, pouting. He didn't want Josh to leave him! He moped through the entire class, ignoring Brendon's mean looks. Jenna and Brendon were pretty good friends, he knew that much and he knew Brendon probably didn't like the fact he'd "cheated" on Jenna. But it wasn't his fault! He'd only tried telling her half a billion times but she never listened!

Josh got out of class early, which meant he had time to spare before picking up Tyler. He knew Jenna was probably getting out of class just now as well. This was his chance to clear everything up and explain. The only problem is, will she listen?

He roamed the halls searching for her and had just walked past when he turned and went back. There she is! "Jenna! Can we talk?" He approached her as she turned, standing up from the water fountain. She rolled her eyes and shook her head, picking up her backpack.

"What is there to talk about Josh?" He stopped in front of her, sighing.

"Please, Jen?" He asked, crossing his arms. She needed to hear this, if not from Tyler, from him.

"Five minutes and that's it, Josh, so be fast." She finally said, crossing her arms as well.

"Okay, look Tyler didn't want to cheat. Really it wasn't even cheating." He held up his hand when she opened her mouth. "He tried telling you but you would never listen. Tyler likes us both, loves us both. Like, love love. He tried telling you that he was poly in the beginning when started feeling this way but you never gave him the chance so he just gave up. He..he told me how he felt and I didn't want to at first but I couldn't deny my feelings for him either!" He said quietly. "Or for you. He wanted you to know and he really did want to tell you but..he was scared that you wouldn't want to be with him anymore. And it's okay if you don't want to be I guess. Just know, he really, really misses you, okay? And I do too."

The bell rang and he sighed, looking up at the clock. "I gotta go." He mumbled, leaving the empty hall to get Tyler from his class. Tyler ran up to him, engulfing him in a hug. He laughed softly, ruffling his hair. "Hey, Ty."

Tyler whined softly, nuzzling into his chest. "Missed you.." He mumbled.

"I know, buddy. Come on, let's get to class." They headed off to class. Unfortunately, Tyler, Jenna and Josh all had history together. And Josh knew he had to keep Tyler away from her. He made the mistake of mentioning her earlier that morning and he'd started crying again. He didn't want to imagine what seeing her would do.

He pulled Tyler to sit by the window seat and sat next to him. Jenna walked in, speed walking past them and sat in the back of the room. She pulled out her phone, typing as fast as she could. She didn't know what to think. She found it a bit hard to believe. But she knew deep down, Josh would never lie to her.

She looked up from her phone at them, Tyler making mostly noises and giggling. She knew she still loved him but if what Josh said is true... She sighed, shaking her head. She could admit, even in the beginning she'd noticed how they interacted. She could also admit, she did like Josh. More than a best friend should. They were close, they shared clothes, sometimes they decided to match and sometimes it happened unintentionally. Sometimes, they all seemed to sync together in a perfectly, creepy way.

More than once had she and Josh almost kissed and before Jenna started dating Tyler, she knew they had kissed as well. She wasn't upset about Tyler's bisexuality or that he was polyamorous, that'd be stupid. But she was upset that she hadn't listened. She was more angry with herself than anything. How could she have blamed Tyler? He didn't know what to do, how to together to listen when she wouldn't. He still loved her even as he was dating Josh and Josh loved her as well!

She buried her face in her hands, groaning quietly. All she knew right now was that she had to make it up to him. That was the most important thing. To make it up to her little guy. And to Josh. There was no doubt Josh had been hurt as well. She nodded a little, allowing herself to smile a little bit. She'd apologize and make it up to them both. But first, she'd ask for some advice from the only people who knew about this sort of thing.

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