Sixty Five.

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Aria's pov;

Minutes, hours, days, weeks... Time passes by so quickly and before you know it, you are accustomed to new changes in your life and don't even realize how much different everything is anymore. You're just in too deep in trying to have a balance, that you ignore everything else. You are suffocated by your new reality, that you forget the promises you made to yourself.

Or at least that's what I do. It's been two weeks since I've been in and out of my apartment and in and out of Stone's headquarters. Studying in my apartment and doing pretty much everything else in there. I can't even believe it's mid April already. I've had a full schedule every single day, I have been training seven days a week for more than three hours and even though Brandon is helping me keep up and letting me calm down a lot, it's hard.

It's hard to wake up every morning and have to face the people that have practically not messed up my own life and mind but a lot of people around me as well. I have only seen my friends once, Jesy, Jayleen and Daniel, but when I met with Jesy and Jayleen, I was so damn tired and emotionally drained that I only got two sentences out of me. They're worried. When Jesy and Jayleen found about Harry & I and what I told him to break up, they blew my phone up. But I never answered to any of their calls or their messages.

I never had the courage to. I didn't want to talk about it because I was in the process of deleting it from my mind. It hurts. But if I want to be honest with myself, I have transformed into one selfish bitch. I'm so emotionless and blank inside, it all seems like a routine now. I don't talk to anyone other than Daniel, who I see every single day in class and Brandon. I'm practically forced to talk with Rachel and Josh, as for the others, I don't give a shit about them.

Brandon was right when he said Rachel was sketchy. She too secretive, something is up with her, but I don't want to play my luck, I've had enough of that.

Tonight, I had to act like I care. It was Saturday night, the night Josh was having his event that I would make my first appearance in. I had to dress up, communicate with strangers. As if I give a shit about them.

I have no idea what to wear, since my clothes don't fit me that good anymore. I've lost some pounds because I forget to eat at times. I'm so tired that after training, I get straight into the shower and then fall asleep on my bed immediately. Or Harry's former bed.

I'm seriously pathetic. I have been wearing Harry's forgotten shirts every single night. They remind me of him and it's bad. It's so bad. I miss him.

Get that out of your mind, Aria, you have to be strong for tonight. If you think about him, you won't be able to concentrate.

I had one good dress that would fit me perfectly. A long black dress, that had a slit on the side of my right thigh. As I was putting my earrings on and talking to Brandon in the living room, I saw Rachel coming in, in her casual attire and raised a brow at her. "You're not coming?"

"No" She said.

"Why not? Stephan's coming, Brandon's coming, why not you?" I asked her.

"I just don't like publicity" She shrugged.

"Okay..." I said. Brandon shrugged at me and I shook my head. She's so sketchy. I need to know what is going on with her.

Good thing of the whole night, was that I was getting a drive alone with Brandon. He requested it for me and Josh was okay with it, surprisingly. He keeps telling me I'm doing a good job but, I don't care what he thinks. He's just using me anyway. I had a few things to do, this week, I needed to stalk somebody with Rachel. It was pretty hilarious. Since I was a photographer, I was the one to take pictures and Rachel kept an eye out for us. She was useless, she hates it. But to me, it's pretty funny actually. She must have been the center of attention before me.

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