Chapter 5

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"The Yule Ball is coming up, who are you going to ask, Harry?" I ask my little brother. He turns red and shakes his head.

"I don't know yet," he answers," have you got a date, Viperine?"

"Not yet but I've got someone I hope will ask me," I say thinking of a certain blonde.

"Are you kidding? You haven't gotten asked yet? But you're a princess! You should have guys lining up to ask you!" Hermione exclaims.

"Thanks 'mione," I split from the group and head to the Slytherin common room. After I say the password, I stop in my tracks. The entire common room was filled with my favorite flower, lilies. All Slytherins were surrounding the room and Draco is the middle of it all, holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Will you go to the Ball with me, Viperine?" Draco asks. I grin wildly and nod emphatically.

"Yes!" Hearing my answer, Draco rushes up to me and everyone claps and cheers except for one girl, Pansy Parkinson, who just glares holes into my head. He hands me the bouquet and I throw my arms around his neck.

*time skip*

Sitting with Harry, Hermione and Ron in study hall, they are whispering about the Ball and not having dates. "Viperine, who are you going with?" 

"Draco Malfoy," I whisper back. Three pairs of eyes widen.

"Malfoy?!?! You're going with Malfoy?!" They whisper yell. Professor Snape whacks them all with a notebook.

"Of course! He's been nothing but supportive, kind and caring!" I defend him. I slam my notebook closed and get up and turn it into Professor Snape. I storm out of there and practically run into Draco. I bury my head in his chest as he wraps his arms around me. "Why can't people see the you I see? You're sweet and caring. You're just misunderstood." I say into his chest. He squeezes me, trying to comfort me.

"It's alright Viperine. They can talk about me all they want. What matters is that you know the truth." Draco comforts me.

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