Chapter 10

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Draco and I walk hand-in-hand to the stadium for the next task. I give him a short yet passionate kiss before going and joining the other champions. I zone out as Dumbledore explains the maze. I snap my attention back to say, "You know I can just fly over the maze, right?"

"No you can't, I've placed a barrier over the maze." Dumbledore refutes. I scrunch my nose in frustration. I give my little brother a hug before and look back at my blondie before I enter the maze. I turn right a few times then turn left, for some reason the maze isn't attacking me....huh weird. I see Cedric and my little brother running toward the cup so I run after them. They are scrambling with each other so I'm able to catch up to them fairly quickly. Harry sees me. We reach the cup.

"Together! One, two, THREE!" We all grab it at the same time. Its a portkey. We are transported into a graveyard. We are not alone.

"Kill the spares!" And weak, forced voice sounds. A man hold his wand at Cedric.

"No!" I shout before rushing in front of Cedric. I have just enough time to say my spell, "Protective Barrier!" My barrier stops the spell at first but a little bit goes through and strikes me instead. The life is torn from my body as I'm thrust backwards with great force into Cedric's arms. "Act...dead..." I say to Cedric so he won't be killed. Before I blackout I hear Harry scream,


Third person POV:

Harry fights Voldemort. Before long, he rushes over to us and transports us back to the center of the stadium. Harry sobs over Viperine, whose eyes are still closed. Cedric jumps up, ending his act and rushes over to Dumbledore to explain what has happened. Fleur is the first to understand that Viperine is dead and she screams. "Everyone stay in your seats! A girl has just been killed,"

Upon hearing those words, Draco's heart shatters into a billion pieces. He watches as Harry Potter sobs over the loss of his only blood family he had left. Draco decides that he needs to see his Viperine again. Against Dumbledore's orders, he pushes past everyone to get to her. He joins Harry in sobbing over her. Hermione, who figured out their feelings for each other a while ago, runs over to Draco, with Ron in tow. She whispers in Draco's ear and he turns to her hopeful. "You really think it will work?" He looks back to his love and slowly leans down and gently presses his lips to hers. His love for her is enough to put enough life in her for her...transformation.

Viperine's POV:
I feel something new and exciting as I feel myself lifting off the ground. My enchantix! I'm getting my enchantix!" The transformation begins.

I'm wide awake and alive

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I'm wide awake and alive. Everyone cheers as I flutter back down to the ground. I'm attacked with hugs on both sides by the two people I love most in the world. My brother and Draco. I hug my brother back first and kiss his head. Then I turn to Draco, who still has tears in his eyes. He attacks me with a hug again and squeezes tightly. "I'm alright Darling! I'm alright! I'm here!" Then we share a passionate, powerful kiss.

*time skip*

It was time for the Beauxbatons and the Sons of Dumstrang to leave. Everyone is in the courtyard saying there last goodbyes. Including me. "Owls can't fly to another planet, love." I tell a crying Draco.

"I don't want you to go. I want you to stay." Just as he says that, an idea pops into my head.

"Then I'll stay," I say. His head pops up in surprise and joy.

"Really?" He asks, smiling.

I grin and nod. He grabs my waist and lifts me up and spins me around in the air. He puts me down and we kiss again for it will not be the last kiss we share. No no, definitely not the last.

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