Chapter 4

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Hashirama/Mika's POV


Tsukimoto leapt over the kunai thrown by Iruka. We were showing the children how quickly and effectivally teamwork can be.

My hands slapped against each other and folded as I worked on a justu, Tsukimoto distracting Iruka with a A-rank genjustu.

"Mokuton!" I yelled, watching as the wood broke through the ground and wrapped around Iruka.

I am so glad that some Mokuton justus do not even need to add the justu name. Well, if your good enough.

Iruka let out a sort of dolphin noise (Eh?... Ehhhh?) when he noticed that he was trapped, he began to struggle. Tsukimoto chuckled.

"No bad feeling Iruka-Chan, not even the Hokage can get out of that. Uso-Senpai has the Mangekyou Sharingan," Tsukimoto did a very small pause to glance at me with a smirk. "The Mokuton Kekkei Genkai, top of the rate IQ and the best at Taijust, Genjustu and Ninjustu." Tsukimoto boasted, proberly smirking behind his mask.

I frowned. Great. He got Tobirama's boasting gene.

"Shinjistu." I warned, eying him in my mask. He froze slightly before turning to me with the same smile I use when caught doing something.

"Yes Uso-Senpai?" He drawled, again with my sweet voice.

My Kami-Sama. He is basicaly is a carbon copy of me with white hair and blue eyes. He even has my bipolar-ness when its the right moment.

I slowly raised a fist.


"You want us to what?" I grounded out, glaring at Hiruzen.

He smiled sweetly at me before turning his head towards the door. Me and Tsukimoto slowly turned to it.

Right there. Was a devil in a mans skin.


"FFFFFFFFFFFFF-" Tsukimoto slapped his hand over my mouth before I yelled out some bad words.

"SHARINGAN STEALING DEMON!" I shrieked behind Tsukimoto's hand, although it came out like 'Shafingwan stwealung femun'.

Danzo simply smirked at me before heading for Hiruzen. I really hate that me and Tobirama even glanced at him so many years ago.

Hiruzen gestured at me before looking down at his paperwork. I narrowed my eyes and jutted my hip out, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Uso. Shinjistu. I need you to train two of my ROOT members. Neko and Toshi." Danzo calmly told us.

I sighed before nodding, Tsukimoto hissing quietly.

Suddenly, two ROOT members appeared. A boy from the height and a teen.

The teen had similar chakra to me, which ment he had the Mokuton Kekkei Genkai. The boy had a weird type of chakra, sort of water but it moved more slowly. Like tar or ink.

Both of them bowed to us as I walked up to them, gripping their wrists before teleporting.

We appeared in a training ground made for me and Tsukimoto. It was a clearing surronded by high trees, barely letting in any sun light. One large tree was set in the middle in the clearing with stairs circling it all the way to the top with a platform, wires leading from the platform to twelve other trees.

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