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Hello everyone, this chapter is more of a filler to be honest. I do not know what to do with the next chapter so this is a small filler. Basically, I saw a Slenderman V Jeff The Killer video(cause I am a sucker for the Creepypasta fandom) and I thought:

"Hm... how would Mika look and feel like if someone close to her died?" Then after that, I went straight to this and began writing.

Now. This is NOT a actually chapter that will happen. This is merely for entertainment and an insight to what Mika is like when a person she deeply cares about dies.

Please enjoy


Basic run down:

Fourth Shinobi War, Mika and Tsukimoto are fighting Madara. No revived Hokages yet.

"Tsukimoto!" Mika yelled, her eyes tracking the boy as he jumped over a fallen Zestu.

That thought still made Mika cringe. Someone used her DNA to create... that.

"Pathetic. No one can dance like Hashirama." Madara sneered, getting a scoff from both Mika and Tsukimoto. "Anyway. I should just get rid of the Senju pest."

Mika paused, mulling shortly over what Madara was implying.

Did he imply her?

A kunai shot through the air, its metal glinting in a mocking way as it swam through the smoke of the battle field.

Tsukimoto's eyes dimmed as blood escaped his mouth and chest. His eyes widened. How had the old bat get him!?

Time froze.

All that ran through Mika's mind was a simple thought.

'Not again.'

Madara scoffed as Tsukimoto tipped, the boy's body being dumped into a pile of mud. A kunai stuck out of Tsukimoto's chest, deep enough for the handle tip to barely be shown.

"Honestly," Madara started, ignoring the now shaking form of Mika. "He was such a weakling, no one can match me like Hash-"

"Shut. Up"

Those two words made Madara freeze.

The anger in them made him shiver. It was like a demon had been awoken from hell.

Madara slowly turned his head to look at the last living opponent he had. He wished he hadn't. Not this time.

This time. He was scared. Truly and utterly, terrified.

Mika was doused in dark blue chakra, taking the form of a demon. Her hair and face was covered in blood but Madara saw the markings. He knew he upset his most worst enemy.

A female Uchiha with a bit of a Uzumaki complex.

"You. Are. Fucking dead, Madara. I am sick and tired of your obsession with my dancing! FUCK OFF!"

A fist flew through the air and into Madara's mouth, splintering the bones inside.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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