Chapter two

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Great another new girl. I swear this school is getting bigger by the hour. The redhead did have pretty hair and a great sense of style, not as good as mine of course. 

I noticed Alec and Raphael starring over at her too. "Y'all see her too huh?" 

Raphael frowned, "Sadly yes... and I see she is already friends with my ex best friend..." Raphael swore under his breath. All I could make out was "...little girl...f*cking geek" 

"Raphael" I said, "I know you still like him!" I waved my hands in his face, "And this little act isn't fooling me at all" He frowned again. 

"Whatever" he said. Shoving all my books in my locker,  Alec and I headed to history class.

I look up to see Simon blushing at Raphael and the redhead starring. Me being used to being stared at, I just smirked. She turned to walk away and tripped over what looked like air to me. I kept from laughing by biting my tongue and just smiled as I passed. She's cute I thought, in a little girl/clumsy kind of way.

I did feel bad for not stopping and helping but I had my reasons.
1) Raphael would kill me if he saw me by Simon, let alone talking to him.
2) I have a reputation to keep. And that's being a badass girl who has no feelings. And stopping to help the new kid would surely damage it. Which means people would try to talk to me again. And that wasn't going to happen.

5 minutes into history class here comes the little girl. Yay, I thought sarcastically. 

When I looked up to see where she was planning to sit, she was headed over to the seat in front of mine. Of course I thought. All new kids pick the seat closest to the back. Plus she didn't know of my reputation yet. 

Right as I was going to say something rude, mean, and sarcastic at the same time, my breath caught in my throat. She looked like she was going to rip off the head of Mr. Benson, who was telling her how fun history is and how much of a pleasure it was to have her in his class.

Hmmm... maybe I could end up liking this girl. She seemed to hate this class as much as I did and the fashion trend she was sporting was up to date.

When little red sat down in front of me her scent almost made me gag. But in a good way.
She smelt amazing! Never had flowers smelt so good.
"Hey flower child!" I said without ever thinking. What was I thinking? I never talked to new kids. She turned and her eyes met mine. Even though little red didn't know it, she had silently answered my question. Green. Green emerald eyes. My favorite.

"Yes?" She said in a small hushed voice. She was probably afraid to get in trouble which made my smile grow. 

"Can I see your schedule?" I asked. 

"Sure" she said as she handed me a small piece of paper. 

I grinned, "We gave art, history, science, and English together. Oh and lunch." When she didn't say anything I sighed and handed her the paper. "I'm Isabelle but my friends call me Izzy."

Little red nodded her head and turned back to her desk. Before I could open my mouth to ask, little red cut me off. "I'm Clary Fray, and if you hadn't noticed I'm new here and I'm not doing so hot."

 I smiled. "I don't know if I could help you with getting friends, I'm not the nicest person, I'm sure you'll hear about me sooner or later...but I know we are about to get a huge history project from this dipsh- sorry, imbecile and I don't want to suffer alone."

Clary smiled and started to laugh. Mr.Benson turned from his lesson and glared. "So, I see Isabelle has already rubbed off on you Miss.Fray. Such a shame."

I rolled my eyes as Mr.Benson turned back to the lesson. "So?" I asked a little to eagerly. Clary glanced at Mr.Benson and back at me. "Only if you explain what he meant." I sighed, was it really worth it?

Clizzy, Malec, & Saphael (Don't tear my heart strings)Where stories live. Discover now