Chapter seven

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Authors Note: We are back In business boysss!! I own my very own computer now and dont have to fein off of others lol so be prepared for updates after two years... Sorry!!! I'm going to try to pick up where the story left off...


  After all this time should I really still be chasing Raph? The odds are against me and he has his sights on Meliorn. Would he even give me the time of day if I told him how I truly felt? Simon thought this on his not too long walk to Jace's first party of the year. Simon knew he was close when he heard the music blaring from across the street and peoples shouts. Here we go, Simon thought. 

He began to turn around when an all too familiar voice called out to him making the hair on his neck stand up, and something else... Raphael.

"Hey Simon, I had no idea you were coming tonight! You never texted me!" he exclaimed.

"I wouldn't want to upset Meliorn if he found out I had texted you. Plus what happened last year at one of these parties does not need to happen again. I was thinking of just heading home actually." Simon said.

Raphael clearly wasn't happy with that news at all, but why would he care? Meliorn gives him all the attention he needs and he seems to be happy with just that. 

Raphael slumped over and stumbled over to Simon holding himself up with his arm. Raphael had clearly been having a good alcohol filled time at the party already. Raphael leaned into Simons ear and whispered softly.

"Please Simon, don't go I want you to stay with me tonight. Meliorn and I are over. For good."

The smell of beer and Malibu wafted into Simons nose enough for him to want to step back. If it weren't for his severe attractions to his life long crush he would have. Simon wanted to believe Raphael but his whole entire body told him it wasn't true, just a drunken plea.

"I don't think that's correct Raphael is it?" Simon sadly asked. Raphael slumped into Simon fully to where they were virtually hugged one another.

"I want to be. He cheats on me with other guys and girls all the time. But when I try to break up with him he makes me seem like the bad guy and I can't deal with it anymore Simon. Will you take me home? I don't want to be here anymore." Raphael began to sob into Simons shoulder.

"Of course. I will always take care of you." Simon hoisted one of Raphs arms over his shoulder and helped him stand up straight sighing and cursing himself for walking to the party.

 Should I call someone? Its not a very long walk but it might be if you are drunk. 

Simon made the ultimate decision to contact someone before everyone was asleep.


Shit shit shit!! Why am I like this?? Why can't I be like a normal girl and confess my feelings? Now Clary probably thinks I don't like her and that the kiss earlier was a mistake when that's not the case at all. Now here we are all alone in the condo working on the stupid history in complete silence because of me. 

After what seems like forever I look over to seem Clary on Snapchat looking at everyones stories of the party at Jaces. Ugh the memories. I roll my eyes and focus on the project only to hear Clary get up and sit on the couch and start patting it. I look up in confusion and quickly get her point. I sigh and sit on the couch and await my lecture on how stupid I am....

"Umm, what happened earlier.. I just want to, umm...I.. I just want to say that its okay if you don't feel that way about me. Do you feel anything towards me or is this a shot in the dark iz?" She looks down and plays with her bracelets obviously nervous. Why did I make this innocent, hot, curious, attractive, and artistic girl nervous????

Clizzy, Malec, & Saphael (Don't tear my heart strings)Where stories live. Discover now