Chapter 8

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On the way to the party the car was dead silent except for the occasional directions Izzy would tell me since I had no idea where I was going. Although we weren't talking about what happened earlier it was understood that neither of us regretted anything.

When we finally arrived to the mansion, it was not hard to spot Raphael and Simon walking on the sidewalk away from the house. Raphael was a semi-large guy which was why I was impressed to see Simon carry him even down the driveway.

Simons face flooded with relief when he saw Izz and I hop out of the car and try to help the intoxicated teen. Simon about dropped Rapheal when Izzy and I got a good hold on him and started dragging him towards the car.

"You have no idea how thankful I am for you guys right now." Simon said while panting.

"Yeah, yeah, we know..... You know Simon, you were a total cock block tonight." Izzy said while winking at me.

I, of course couldn't stop the heat from rushing to my cheeks and I laughed into my hand.

Simon looked up from breathing heavily with an adorable puzzled face. His eyes then lit up as he looked from Izzy to me and then back to Izzy.

"Hold up. You two?? Oh god. That's hot." Simon said a little too seriously.

"So I guess it is true. Guys do love girl on girl." Izzy said to which we both died laughing.

Raphael started talking nonsense in our hands and laughed right along with us. Izzy, Simon, and I all looked al each other, shrugged and began strapping him into the car. 

Simon offered to sit next to Raph and Izzy rode in the passenger side by me. 

Once we were all settled I turned around to look at drunk Raphael. 

"Hey Raphael? Can you hear me buddy?" I said hoping to get through to him. 

"Hmm? Yeshhhh." Raphael mumbled under his breath as he leaned his head on the window. 

"Can you give me your address so I can take you home?" I asked. 

Raphael quickly opened his eyes all the way and stared directly into mine. 

"I do not want to go home to that place." He said seriously. 

I looked at Izzy with no other clue as to what to do with a guy I barley know. 

"He could stay at my place I am sure i'll be having to take care of Alec and Magnus tonight anyways." Izzy said.

Raphael mumbled while laying across the back seats to put his head in Simons lap, "I want to stay with Simon so we can cuddle." 

Simon froze and looked at Izzy and I with a deer stuck in headlights sort of gaze. He quickly recovered by stroking Raphs wavy hair and agreeing to stay with him tonight. 

"There is only one problem..." Simon said, "my sister knows what happened between me and.." Simon motions to the passed out boy in his lap afraid to wake him. "and she will totally lose it if she finds out he was over and especially drunk. What am I going to do guys?"

Izzy perked up with an idea. "You guys can all stay at my house and it can be like a sleepover!! I have enough rooms and tons of food!!"

"I hate to burst your bubble but my mom might not want me to stay out after my first day of a new school and its a school night. Im sorry Izzy, I can ask if you would like me to." I said sadly.

Izzy looked at me and started to dig through my purse trying to find who knows what. 

"Hey what are you doing?!" I said while trying to stop her.

Clizzy, Malec, & Saphael (Don't tear my heart strings)Where stories live. Discover now