Chapter five

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When Clary pulled me over to Raphaels table I wanted to scream. I tried to make conversation with Raphael but failed each time. I noticed that Raphael had started to blush when I'd come over but I let it slide. He was probably just uncomfortable since what had happened last year when Raphael and Meliorn were on a break.


Jace Herondale, captain of the state winning football team, captain of the wrestling team, practically the richest kid in New York City, and the most popular in school. Of course his parties were ones to make and are considered epic.
Drinking, dancing, and where summer flings start.

Raphael and I were sophomores and Meliorn was a junior.

Spin the bottle, something I hated but played anyways, was always played at these raging parties. You couldn't chicken out or you'd be considered lame which wasn't an option for me.
Even though Raphael didn't know it, I had been crushing on him since we were in eighth grade, which was where we had met each other.

When the bottle pointed toward Raphael he started to smile and look around the group at his options.
That beautiful smile that could stop time...
When I realized I had zoned out and staring, I looked down and the bottle was pointing straight at me.

Raphael started to laugh and gave into the other shouts of approval and leaned across the circle into me.
His whole attitude was open, then again he was out and I wasn't yet.
But I would have right after that glorious kiss. For me my world came crashing down but Raphael was calm and collected like he always was.

I knew I was blushing when Raphael was staring at me with a look I couldn't read but it was definitely not disgust.

After the kiss Jace smirked and look at the two of us, "Well well well Simon....Raphael... I'm changing the game, seven minutes in heaven. Simon and Raphael you're up first!"

Jace winked at me before he was pulling me and my ex best friend over to the closet.
Raphael and I used to be best friends even though he had always acted like he hated me.
I missed hanging out with him and playing video games even if he was always reading and making sarcastic comments.

Jace shoved us into the closet and locked it from the outside. We were stuck in a closet which we couldn't get out of....

"Great" I said.
Raphael laughed and sighed at the same time.

After what seemed like forever I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Raphael, I'm really sorry about our big fight about Meliorn. You deserve the best and if that's him for you then y'all are great."

Raphael touched my shoulder sending goosebumps down my arms and frowned.
"No, Simon I'm sorry. I basically kicked you out of my life after I started dating him."

I laughed trying to make my voice stay steady with my response.
"Well, if it makes you feel any better I'm totally over you and our fight Raph"

Before I knew what was happening the light was out and I was pushed against a wall. Raphaels breath was hot against my ear.

"This means nothing."
Before I could open my mouth he did it for me by using his lips. His lips were against mine in an instant, but not forced.
They were soft and almost hot.

"What about Meliorn?" I whispered in between kisses.

Raphael brought his head up from my neck to answer. "We are on a break."

I managed to mumble "oh" before I got on my tip toes to reach his lips.

He was a few inches taller compared to me, so we fit together perfectly. Other than me standing on my tip toes Raphael did most of the work. Trailing kisses from my jaw to my collar bone with such ease and back to my lips.
I noticed how the kiss was starting to become deeper and ran my hands over his arms and sides memorizing his shape.

He pulled back and leaned in again only to run his tongue over my bottom lip and biting hard which made me shiver. I could feel his smirk as he pulled back. Annoyed, I grabbed his neck and led his lips to mine. We stayed there for a long while, our tongues fighting for dominance when I gave up. I leaned into him and started to suck lightly on his neck careful not to leave marks while he was fumbling with the buttons on my shirt.

I couldn't even begin to help him when there was a knock at the door.

"Jace...." Raphael whispered. 

I sighed, had it already been seven minutes it only felt like thirty seconds.

"Raph you in there?"
Both Raphael and I froze.

It was Meliorn.

After Raphael explained and reassured Meliorn that we were only talking, he left to go get drinks. 

"Sorry Simon, I'll make it up to you, I promise." Raphael said then he disappeared into the crowed hallway. 


After Magnus left I waited until Clary was ready to leave until I thought about leaving. Which felt like forever because of the awkward silence between Raphael and I. So while Clary said goodbye to Izzy and Alec while I tried to break the silence.

"So, when were you going to make it up to me Raph?" I asked. Thinking about what happened now, I could never get over Raph.

Raphael knew exactly what I was talking about. He tried to laugh but instead just ended up chocking on his own spit.

I raised my eyebrows at the sight.

"Sorry, umm and I don't about tomorrow night? I'll pick you up and we can go bowling or whatever." Raphael said. I nodded my head in approval and turned to Clary to say goodbye only to see Izzy had planted a light kiss on clarys cheek.

I raised my eyebrows at her and I was off.

Clizzy, Malec, & Saphael (Don't tear my heart strings)Where stories live. Discover now