Chapter 2

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"Hello, princess."

The Septarian's voice sent such tumultuous tremors down Elara's spine. She was in awe, gazing into his eyes and feeling his immense muscles pressing her against him. All that went through her mind was how handsome and perfect he was. She could barely even speak.

"I... Um..." Elara squeaked.

Finally, as if to save her daughter from the awkwardness, the Queen jumped down from the warnicorn and held her hands out to the Septarian.

"Release her, please."

"Of course, your highness," He slowly rotated Elara, lowering her feet towards the ground carefully, as if she was the most fragile item he had ever handled until her feet had landed gently. But he would not remove his arms from her. She didn't want him to. His warmth and heft was enough to make her legs no longer work. She could hardly stand on her own and he felt how weak she had become.

"Elara." Her mother's voice boomed with a hint of annoyance, breaking her free of her stupor. She still had to tear her eyes away from the attractive monster, however. And she sighed inwardly as she did so.

"Thank you for giving assistance to my clumsy daughter," The Queen growled, "Please forgive us for the inconvenience, Mister..?"

"Toffee, my name is Toffee." The Septarian said, more directing it toward the facinating little princess, "It was my pleasure." Though he said it in such a indifferent tone, his eyes never giving away a single hint of emotion, Elara knew he meant it. How, she had no idea, but it was somehow clear to her.

The Queen huffed, clearly angry with both Toffee and her daughter. "Toffee," She pronounced the name like it was a sour taste on her tongue, "You must be our esteemed escort.."

"Yes," Toffee said, his voice growing a little deeper as he lowered his gaze at the queen, "The king awaits you... This way." He held one arm behind his back and gestured towards the giant tent in front of them. That was likely where the king was going to stay for the next two weeks, Elara pondered to herself, trying in every way to keep her mind from wandering and thinking about Toffee.

The Queen picked up her dress and held it up as she walked, Elara mindlessly following close behind, stealing glimpses of the Septarian's behind as he led them through the crowd of monsters surrounding them. Soon Elara was daydreaming about the Septarian. Everything about him was astoundingly perfect. His form wasn't entirely gigantic like the rest of the Septarian warriors there, he was significantly shorter, but he carried himself like he was professional, dominate, and much better. He was also the only one with hair and blue-tinted skin. Elara's eyes were drawn to his tail, as it hovered just above the ground, and followed the length of it up to his behind and lower back. The tight, black mesh shirt he wore showed off the muscles in his back and his tight pants showed off his nice bottom.

Elara's cheeks burned a heavy shade of pink. Then she attempted to shake her mind clean of the creeping daydreams about the monster, but only somewhat succeeded. Out of all seventeen years of her life, she had never seen any one, Mewman or monster, that enchanted her as much as Toffee did. But she knew she had to regain her composure, otherwise she would make her mother even more angry than she already was.

Soon the three made it to the tent. Toffee bowed low, subtly flexing the many muscles in his thick arms, and stepped to the side for the Queen to enter. Before she did, she turned to Elara and stooped to her height to whisper in her ear.

"You, stay here. Outside of the tent. DO NOT move a single muscle until I return.. Do I make myself clear?"

Elara nodded carefully, "Yes, ma'am."

"Good, I will be back soon." The Queen nodded back to Elara, then nodded and frowned at Toffee before entering the tent. When she had disappeared inside, Elara held her hands together in front of her, moved towards Toffee, and stopped at the supportive pole closest to the cloth entrance of the tent. There were a few feet inbetween them, but the awkwardness of how Elara felt about the Septarian still surfaced, especially since he would occasionally steal glances of her with those alluring golden eyes.

Though Toffee usually didn't enjoy the company of Mewmen, this little princess made him feel a little differently. She was shy, and ever since he had saved her from falling and harming herself, her touch had lingered on his body. Love wasn't his forte, nor was he the one to show his emotions, but there was just something about this Butterfly princess.

As Toffee gazed Elara up and down, she stole her own glances out of the corner of her eyes. She noticed he was giving her looks and she could tell his mind was working just as fast as her own, even though his face would never show his confusion. But she had no idea what he was really thinking. Was he thinking about how much he wanted to tear her apart, simply because she was the princess? or was he thinking about something entirely different? The unawareness brought Elara back to the brink of uneasiness and her hands began to shake once again.

She thought he was beautiful, but he was still much taller than she was and stronger as well. He could snap her in half just as easily as he could put those muscles to a much more... seductive use. She was terrified of him, but attracted to him in all the worst ways, all at the same time.

What had she gotten herself into?

"Ahem," The alluring Septarian cleared his throat, as if it would clear the air around them. It didn't. But it was well worth a try.

"I-I'm Elara... Elara Butterfly..." Elara finally gained the courage to speak, but quickly brought a hand up to cover her mouth. Her cheeks burned again and her words jumbled in her head, "I mean.. Um... I didn't mean to say that." She groaned and moved her hands to cover her cheeks, "Goodness, this is embarrassing!"

Toffee loved how submissive and shy she looked in that single moment. How she tried to hide her intensifying blush from him. It gave him some satisfaction to see her so flustered, but he didn't really know why.

"It's alright," He lent his sympathy with a sly smile, "Don't be embarrassed."

*Eeek, Chapter 2 already?! No editing has been done, still a one-shotty kind of story. Please enjoy the double chapters!!*

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