Chapter 4

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When Elara walked into the Septarian's tent, she was pleasantly surprised. Everything was neat, had a place, and wasn't utterly terrifying like she thought it would be. She still walked on her toes and scratched at her hand, though, nothing could change how afraid she was to be alone with the muscular monster.

"Make yourself comfortable." Toffee told her, striding past and sitting in a crimson red chair. It looked as though it belonged in a castle, though it wasn't quite as large as a throne, it definitely wasn't a commoner's chair. And he was obviously very particular about it. Beside the chair Elara noticed a small round table, which held a bottle and an elaborately painted lamp. The bottle was familiar to her.

For a moment, Toffee's order didn't occur to Elara. She was still gazing around the tent. But soon her gaze met back with his and he just looked at her, like he expected her to do something. "Oh," She stuttered, frantically looking for a place to sit. She eyed a chair beside his fancy little table and sat quickly. Again, she couldn't stop her embarrassment from showing itself through the pink in her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." She bit her bottom lip, "I'm usually not this-"


Elara nodded after narrowing her eyes some at Toffee, who just sat there, completely emotionless. For whatever reason, he seemed a little more on edge now that they were alone. And he really was. After his little show of emotion, he locked everything down, and was slightly angry with himself. 

He shouldn't be falling for this girl. She was next in line to become the Queen of Mewni, another ruthless Butterfly queen. But he just couldn't bring himself to hate her, no matter how hard he tried. Seeing her knuckles turn white from holding both of her hands down out of fear made him feel... Well, he didn't really know.

"Why are you so nervous?" His voice calmed and his eyes softened. Elara didn't want to answer, but the way his voice had changed made her want to speak to him, at least to prompt him to speak some more.

"Well," She started shakily, "I'm a Butterfly princess, surrounded by..." She paused, not wanting to offend the handsome monster.

He nodded understandingly, "I see." 

Then, silence ensued. Elara just gazed at Toffee, and he did the same to her. Her blonde hair was slightly messy, but braided to rest over her shoulder in a single braid. And her dress was a very light blue, typical Butterfly attire, but it had hints of purple in it. It almost matched the purple of her spades. 

To keep his mind from wandering any farther, he turned and reached for the bottle on his table. It was filled with Mewnian swamp water, his most favorite drink in all of the world. If anything could keep him calm, it would be that. Elara finally realized where she knew the bottle from, as soon as Toffee picked it up. 

She read about it in a book about monsters once, on the page about Septarians. There were only two bullets of information on them, since their race is a bit of a mystery to the Mewman people, but it said something about them enjoying the taste of Mewnian swamp water over any type of drink in any universe. Elara liked to believe that Toffee had a certain face he took when he sipped a glass of his beloved swamp water. It would be a nice change from his constant indifferent expression.

Toffee stood, walking towards the back of his tent and grabbing a small glass, then came back to sit and pour himself a glass of water. He took a sip almost immediately and sighed as the contents slid down his long throat. It did, in fact, calm him. 

Elara watched as Toffee drank the swamp water. It was so interesting to see how his body reacted. Yet she couldn't help but imagine how his body would react to her, considering how much she simply wanted her skin to come in contact with his again. She shook her head. It was bad to think that way about him.

Once Toffee was finished reviling over his water, he opened his eyes and offered the bottle to Elara. He knew she would probably decline, either out of respectfulness or the fact no Mewnian in their right mind liked the taste of rotten swamp water. And he was correct.

"N-no thank you.." She twiddled her thumbs some.

"So," Toffee placed his bottle and empty glass down carefully while he paused, "What are you doing here? With your mother, I mean; tagging along during an important negotiation for a peace treaty.. Shouldn't you be at the castle?"

All of Toffee's questions were genuine, they weren't just questions to keep the awkward silence away. He was honestly curious. He also wanted to see how submissive Elara would become the more he spoke to her.

"I should..." She began, talking so quietly Toffee was certain she was whispering, "But I've never seen mon... I mean - I've never been able to join in royal affairs.. My mother never even gave me the family wand-" Uh oh, she had said way too much. Her hands flew to her mouth and she blushed heavily. "Oh, um... I'm not supposed to talk about that. N-nevermind."

Toffee chuckled. And the sudden, deep sound almost made Elara jump out of her skin. "It's alright, princess. My lips are sealed." 

By the end of the sentence his voice had taken a husky tone. It made Elara want to squeal. His normal voice was deep and silky, but this tone was lusty in a way. She could almost feel her whole body heating up. 

Before either of them could say anything else, they could hear the Queen of Mewni yelling from the monster king's tent. 

"Elara! Elara where are you?!" 

Elara jumped up quickly, "Oh no, I'm in so much trouble..!" She started for the door, but Toffee stood and grasped her arm before she could move any farther. The feeling of his fingers on her skin made her knees weak again and it took all she had to stay on her own two feet. She looked up at him, frightened but excited just the same.

"Don't worry." Is all he said, before he removed his hand from her arm and replaced it on her shoulder instead. He pushed her forward gently and guided her back towards the king's tent. 

Elara was dying on the inside. He was touching her. And giving her gentle, reassuring squeezes to her tiny shoulders as they walked.

"There you are, Elara! Where have you been?!"

*This chapter was extremely difficult to write :P I was running out of ideas and trying to stay true to the story itself. It was just crazy crazy tbh buuuut I'm still enjoying this story a whole lot! :) Enjoy another double-chapter day!*

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